Cat Attack!

I was in the middle of making a special autograph in The Chronicles of Dubya book for Mary Katharine Ham (who is currently in the middle of the Espicopal Church breakup) when my stupid gray monkey cat freaked out for no reason and pounced the two of us. I hope MKH will appreciate that her book autograph will be the only one with an official cat claw mark of approval.
Rowdi never freaks out for no reason. Dogs only freak out for good reasons, such as an overturned trashcan across the street that she’s never seen before.


  1. I note with disapproval that the review fascists at still haven’t posted my awesome review of your book. Now that the Rumsfeld Strangler has some time on his hands, you think you can get him to have a “talk” with their gatekeepers Frank?
    I just got to one of my favorite IMWs – Bush and Chirac supervising the weapons inspections. that one is super hilarious.

  2. Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank…never under any circumstances allow anything to screw up an autograph. Why? Three words: Mark David Chapman. Hmmmmm…three names like all assassins…John Wayne Hinkley, Lee Harvey Oswald, Andrew Lloyd Weber…just like Mary Katharine…ummmmm…nothing to see here…move along…Gunga’s off his meds again…

  3. We have four, yes, four cats. Three are very nice and loveable, but the youngest resembles a monkey, complete with squashy round face, really long prehensile tail and an extremely unpredictable nature. PaleoBride loves her, which is the only thing sparing this simian abomination. Just the other day this turd launched herself into a gathering of the other three and created an explosion of claws and howls, and my left arm is shredded now.
    I want her dead!

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