Frank Advice for Tom DeLay’s Blog

I saw Tom DeLay on FOX News this morning talking about his new blog. IMAO is already on his blogroll (I notice Instapundit didn’t make the list, probably because Tom DeLay heard about Glenn Reynolds’s puppy smoothies and, in his current position, has to be careful who he associates with). This makes him the smartest politician I know. Thus, I’m going to give him some free advice.
Now, conservative bloggers feel they are often ignored by the Republican leadership because those guys are too old and stodgy to pay attention to some pajama-clad rabble. Thus, bloggers are going to be suspicious of someone who came from that same group. I think Tom DeLay could quickly gain acceptance with just a little change to his site. Right now, it’s pretty bare as it’s just black and white text and nothing else. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that as it’s perfectly fine for a blog to just focus on content and many successful blog aren’t pretty to look at. Still, why not add a picture of himself to make the blog a little friendlier looking? And I know the perfect picture: his mugshot.
I’m completely serious here. There would be a number of advantages to him using his mugshot on his blog without comment. First, it’s a great photo of him. The Democrats looked silly trying to use it in a fundraising e-mails because, by appearance, he was much more trustworthy than them. Second, using his mugshot as his blog photo would show he has a good sense of humor about something that’s going to be the first thing on mind to many bloggers, and being able to joke about yourself earns you huge points in the blogosphere. Finally, it will really anger the liberal bloggers, and anything that makes those bloggers screech at you and shake their tiny fists in impotent rage wins good publicity from conservative bloggers.
So, there’s my advice, take it or leave it. I don’t know much about being a politician or legal affairs, but I do know blogs.
Welcome to the blogosphere!
A picture has been added, but not the one I recommended. And, frankly, it’s not as good a picture.


  1. Frank, can I call you Frank? You are wise beyond your years. I think your advice is the only logical way to proceed for exactly the reason you gave. It will drive the moonbats crazy! It is amazing that Tom had to resign due to “allegations” that never will see trial, while Wm Jefferson, democrat from Lousianna was caught taking a bribe and froze money in his freezer. His reelection will certainly go far for Pelosi’s corrupt free congress.

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