Random Friday Notes from Ducky

I’m always glad to help a fellow blogger. Annika (Author of my favorite comic – Peter Pumpkin ) would like to see one of her posts featured at her local paper’s blog site. You can make that happen for her — if you vote.
The Story is Titled The End of the CD Era.
It’s about the dreamy reflections of a store, Tower Records, and its sad demise. Or maybe it’s about a boy and his young dog. I forget. But you should register, vote, and — if you have time — read the article (Listed in the group Week of December 3rd) . It’s not half bad. Believe me, I know half-bad — I write for IMAO.
On a personal note, I recently picked up satellite radio. Loyal IMAO readers know that I was bummed over the format change at KZLA. That radio station switched from Country music to modern hip hop. Which means that they abandoned the market of people who drive by with rifles in their pick ups in favor of those who drive by and do a drive by.
As of this point I have to say — I LOVE IT! I chose XM over Sirius for the simple reason that XM does NOT have Howard Stern. I can’t help it. It’s a quality I admire in a company.
It has a bunch of country music stations plus a couple of stations that play nothing but stand up comedy. After having listened to the comedy channels for a couple of days, let me share this observation with you: most stand up comedians SUCK!! I should set the goal this year of hitting some open mike here in So Cal. I’ll record them and if I don’t totally suck, even post them on the IMAO podcast.
Some good posts are ready to go, as soon as Mr. Cadet Happy stops being distracted by the latest Photoshop wars and can give me the images I asked him for. That’s a hint, Mr. Happy. That’s a hint.
Have a good weekend. More funny coming on Monday.


  1. Sonny Fox over at XM was interested in IMAO Podcasts at one time for XM 150. For those who don’t have XM, Channel 150 is new stand up and is often those who “work blue.” There was really no other place for the IMAO Podcast on XM since XM 151–although admittedly more family friendly in its content–is for established comedians such as Bob Newhart, Bill Cosby, and Jeff Foxworthy.
    Now that XM has the National Lampoon channel, there could be opportunities for IMAO audio content on XM again but it means dealing with National Lampoon rather than XM directly.
    Slightly Unrelated: I’ve got XM 8, 27, 41, 121, 150, and 220 pre-programmed in my car.

  2. Hey RWD,
    Ever thought about Last Comic Standing? You couldn’t possibly be any worse than that Buck Star dumbass. And you could wear a bunch of the IMAO shirts on TV, though I don’t recommend wearing them all at the same time.

  3. Sir Ducky,
    Be sure to let us know at where your international comedy debut is scheduled beforehand so we can carve it into our sundial powered day planners. We’ll make you sound as funny as you like, given proper libation.

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