Simpsons Trivia: The Final Cut

1) (T/F) Harveyville is the town right next to Springfield [seriously, it says Harveyville on the card]
2) What is the name of Patty & Selma’s iguana?
3) Where do Bart(with his fake ID), Nelson, Martin, and Milhouse go for Spring Break?
4) What two children save Itchy & Scratchy studios?

NOTE: As mentioned in the introductory post, all the Simpsons Trivia questions came from the Simpsons Trivia Game. Well, I’ve gone through ALL the cards now, so the game is over.
So… who’s the winner?
YOU!… Because you don’t have to put up with Simpsons Trivia posts any more.
Unless you actually LIKED the Simpsons Trivia posts, in which case their discontinuance means the terrorists have won.

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  1. I second the idea of continuing some sort of trivia! Sure, it’s lots of work for you, and opens you up to the possibility of Copyrwrite infringement, but it gives me a few moments of enjoyement each day.
    And that’s all that matters.

  2. Official Trivia Card answers:
    1) False; it’s Shelbyville
    2) Jub-Jub
    3) Knoxville, Tennessee, to see the World’s Fair
    4) Lester and Eliza [who were the original Bart and Lisa, drawn the way they were as they appeared on the Tracey Ullman show, where the Simpsons started as a cartoon short – as can be seen here]

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