These people want to join the EU?

Turkey wants to join the European Union, but they continue to behave like… well, savages…

A group of Turkish aviation technicians were so happy to be rid of the last of a batch of troublesome planes that they sacrificed a camel on the tarmac of Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airport.

In fact, there are a few Turks who realize that this behavior is not compatible with that of the European Union and its high standards of moral behavior:

“This is a grave incident. Is it compatible with the image of a modern Turkey, trying to enter the EU?,” said opposition lawmaker Huseyin Guler on Wednesday.

I’m sure cultural elites among the French are aghast and disgusted at such barbaric behavior… why can’t they just sacrifice cars and attack Jews like the civilized Muslims in France?


  1. I seriously doubt whether the Joooos ever really existed. I think the Joooooos are just white fat cats who made up the Jooooos so they could get away with their fat cat ways while everyone else’s attention was focused on the trouble caused by the Joooooos!

  2. Now, if they had sacrificed the camel in order to ask Allah to get rid of the troublesome planes, would that have been wrong? The Christian Old Testament has many instances of burnt offerings to God.
    I’m just sayin’ you folks gotta keep an open mind here. 🙂

  3. Yeah, G-fresh, like in California, where smoking seems to be likened to a capital offense.
    I think that if the Turks had sacraficed a Frenchman on the tarmac, that’d been more acceptable, nay, praiseworthy.

  4. like in California, where smoking seems to be likened to a capital offense.
    Just to clarify: smoking tobacco is a criminal offense (not capital, because it takes so long to get capital punishment through all the appeals that you’re probably dead anyway); smoking marijuana is regarded as praiseworthy.

  5. Isn’t “Ataturk” a way of thanking a Turk for a job well done? In much of the Middle East, camels are kind of like vermin. The French, who could never let pigeons, snails, or dead horses go to waste, were probably just angry at the thought of losing so much camel paté. One hump or two?

  6. “Now, if they had sacrificed the camel in order to ask Allah to get rid of the troublesome planes, would that have been wrong? The Christian Old Testament has many instances of burnt offerings to God.”
    I’m just sayin’ you folks gotta keep an open mind here. 🙂
    Have an open mind, but don’t let your brain fall out. I didn’t know the Christians wrote the Old Testament.

  7. Let’s see…my work is done for the week…we all did a great job and worked really hard so let’s…um…kill a camel! In addition to stoning homos and women, they need to stone morons also!

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