Thought of the Day

When the pallbearers carry Joe Barbera’s coffin to the gravesite, will they pass the same headstone over and over again?


  1. I remember the first season of Huckleberry Hound, which, I think, was the first Hanna-Barbera animation on television (maybe the 1959-1960 season). It included Yogi Bear and Pixie and Dixie (with Jinx the cat) in addition to Huckleberry Hound. I’d sneer at the animation today, except that it made me very happy at the time.

  2. Quickdraw McGraw is scheduled to sing “My Darlin’ Clementine” at the funeral service, before donning his El Kabong mask and smahing his guitar on the casket.
    Snagglepuss was inconsolable when reached for comment at the palatial estate he shares with the now middle aged Elroy Jetson.
    RIP Mr. Barbera. Your cartoons entertained me much longer than they should have.

  3. LOL! Even at a young age it used to bother me when Shaggy’s hair would go blonde for a couple of frames. Later I realized it was probably due to the animators having too many scooby snacks.
    Since I don’t have much traffic – I thought I’d come here to invite you all to see the pictures I took today of a drunk Santa I found today…just because he’s too funny to go to waste.

  4. It would be almost interesting to see Al Gore and some PETA moron debate the merits and ills of Flintstone society.
    “The debate is over – the overwhelming majority of scientists believe mankind reached its zenith during the Bedrock Age, with transportation and industry achieving ZERO greenhouse gas emissions.”
    “The Bedrock Age was a HOLOCAUST for defenseless animals, who were exploited at every turn, forced to perform the most brutish tasks. It was this wanton cruelty that killed off the dinosaurs.”
    What I wanna know is, how come Fred couldn’t just climb back in through the window? And who was more gay – Stony Curtis or Rock Hudstone?

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