Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) In “Two Dozen and One Greyhounds”, Mr. Burns wants all of the puppies to make shoes out of them.
2) In “Lisa’s Wedding”, who is Homer’s supervisor at the plant in the year 2010?
3) In “Lisa’s Wedding”, where do Lisa and her fiance meet?
4) In “Lisa’s Wedding”, who does Lisa plan to marry?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.


  1. 1) false, they’re for a greyhound fur tuxedo (kill two for matching clogs)
    2) Mr. Millhouse
    3) Some university on the east coast… i’m thinking ivy league… maybe Hahvahd
    4) Hugh St. John Alastair Parkfield (contrary to what she told Millhouse… bitch)

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