Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Homer bunks at an insane asylum with a guy who thinks he’s Boy George
2) What is the name of Ned Flanders’ specialty store?
3) Why do Homer and Bart have to work at the carnival?
4) Scott Christian hosts what segment of the news?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.


  1. 1) False. It was Michael Jackson, voiced (uncredited) by Michael Jackson but the singing was done by a Michael Jackson imitator to make things even goofier.
    2) Left Behind (not really, but that would be funny)
    3) Bart broke Hitler’s car. I think Homer just wanted to work there, but I could be wrong.
    4) Who?

  2. 1) False, he thinks he’s Michael Jackson, but he’s really just Leon Kompowski, a bricklayer from Patterson, NJ
    2) The Leftorium
    3) Bart Crashed Hitler’s car into a tree and Homer begged to
    4) Laugh and a Half

  3. //1) (T/F) Homer bunks at an insane asylum with a guy who thinks he’s Boy George//
    False. Homer bunked with a guy who thought he was a guy even whiter & more of a fruit than boy george ever thought about being.
    The difference: Earlier in ’06, boy george had to pick up trash in NYC for community service, while michael jackson picks up boys to commonly service. That, and mj once thought he was black before he thought he was white.

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