Watch Them Furrow the Brows of Their Dumb Monkey Faces as They Try and Understand Humor

If you want some hilarity, watch these pedantic idiots debate in the comments whether my piece about killing Arab children is officially satire (here and here). It makes you wonder if morons have ever seen any actual humor in their lives. Sure, they probably laugh like hyenas “laugh” when someone compares Bush to a chimp, but it’s just beyond my imagination that people who spend so much time navel gazing about an absurd blog post are capable of an actual form of humor.
Here is basically Amanda of Pandagon’s argument:

“When, in The Three Stooges, the rich man was hit in the face with a pie, that would only constitute actual satire if Moe threw the pie with the intention of condemning the idea of preemptive strikes, otherwise he really is for killing Muslim children.”

These people are so clueless, I just want to grab them by the neck and shake them until they get some sense… or, at least, become unconscious. Just look how many comments they wrote over some of the dumbest and most obvious jokes. It even says on my post that the whole point of it was to try and generate controversy. Can I spell things out for people anymore than that? It’s like these people are standing around watching a fish flop around on a beach while debating what nature of horse it is. Hello!
What fed the flames here is that Captain Ed compared me to Swift. I’m nothing like Swift, though, and I have no desire to be. Have you read “A Modest Proposal”? Sure, it’s clever and smartly written, but it’s not laugh out loud funny. Also, it’s very long. See, I write dumb humor to make people with short attention spans laugh out loud, not smart satire that merits a few chuckles and get you to exclaim, “That was so marvelously clever!” In that way, I aim much more for The Three Stooges than Jonathan Swift (Full Disclosure: I don’t recall having ever actually watched The Three Stooges, but my understanding is the program is not very cerebral. I did read “A Modest Proposal” back in my junior year of high school and remember being impressed by it if not particularly tickled). Thus, if you’re missing the humor at IMAO, you’re looking far too hard for it.
Or it’s just not your cup of tea. Some people find Carrot Top funny, God bless ’em; we just don’t all share the same sense of humor.
Well, so far my attempt to create controversy to promote my book has shut down one unrelated blogger and caused a bunch liberals to droll on endlessly about the nature of “satire.” Considering what they might have been doing otherwise, we can consider the second one a plus.


  1. If anyone is reading this blog and finds Carrot Top funny–err–we’re sorry you’re a dickweed! As for liberals–they think Al Franken is funny–so who the hell cares what they think!
    Keep it up Frank! I’m a Three Stooges kind a Guy with a very short attention span who get’s bored very fast (I just saw Lampoon’s Christmas again last night and laughed AGAIN when Eddy said that he had to replace the steel plate in his head with plastic because every time his wife turned on the microwave he pissed his pants and forgot who he was for awhile). Now THAT’s funny!!!

  2. I thought it was pretty interesting that this chick at Pandagon (and I CAN use “chick” ’cause I AM one) doesn’t want to touch the free speech issue on your article, Frank.
    Yep, never when it’s satire against their own ideas. Typical Hypocrite Liberals…
    So my thinking is to POWERSPAM those CAIR email addies with our disdain of their infringement on free speech. Hell, don’t know why you couldn’t get the ACLU on their asses(snark)…

  3. I wrote a post in an attempt to enlighten the monkeys. I used small words and simple examples so hopefully at least one of them will ‘get it’. Of course they’ll probably just spend the rest of the day debating my use of commas.

  4. Frank, my work wants you to pay them back for the 20 minutes I just wasted reading through that pointless thread. If I could have finished it I might have added a comment but the B.S. from the lefties was just too deep to wade through any longer. If you were a monkey-faced liberal you would just find an organization similar to CAIR that will compain about something Amanda has written (or worse yet, had something she had written linked to with someone taking it literally) and have her ISP shut her down. Thankfully, we don’t have to worry about that. Also, HELLBENDER soon please, I’m almost done with C.O.D. and need something else to read soon!

  5. It’s like Golda Meir said: “There will be peace when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us.”
    You’re not gonna stir up a whole lot of controversy advocating the murder of Arab children. The Arabs are too busy fitting them for bomb belts and filming their last goodbyes (it’s a lot like senior prom).
    If you wanna stir up some controversy, then advocate conversion to Christianity (or better yet, Judaism) for all Arab children.

  6. Frank J. – You right wing shill! How dare you make a joke about muslim children without first being born a muslim child! Why, It’s preposterous! It’s like making a joke about the size of Teddy Kennedy’s liver without first having murdered your secretary by drowning her in less than 4 feet of water in a tidal stream. It’s like making a joke about Jimmy Carter’s huge beaver-like teeth without having first sold your soul to satan and swearing an oath to kill all Jews. Remmeber Frank, you aren’t allowed to have a sense of humor until the central committee of the Democrat Party issues you one.

  7. My favorite part about the thread were all the people, including Amanda, who said that your post was so meaningless that it’s not worth talking about.
    You know, except for the blog post dedicated to it and the 200+ comments about it. Other than that, it’s just not worth talking about.

  8. I DO have a short attention span! I didn’t bother clicking on the threads, the thought of that inane drivel drove me away.But, I clicked on the swift thing and finished one and a quarter sentences, man I couldn’t take the longevity. Although I think it has something to do with your site Frank. Every time I come here my attention span gets shorter.

  9. Okay, so according to the sociopath who runs Obsidian Wings: it is perfectly fine to offend Jews, but not Ragheads? Typical liberal logic: love those that want to kill you and remove your precious right, and hate Jews.
    What f*^%&% eighth-wits. One could have a better conversation with a cabbage.

    “allah Akbar!” — “my name Akbar and I have bomb!”

  10. The funniest part is that they don’t get that it’s a satire on them. Frank is making fun of the Left’s perception of the Right, knowing full well that they’d say “but since they really believe in blowing up Arab children, it’s not satire.”
    Criminey. This is what a college education buys nowadays: the ability to analyze something so thoroughly that you totally miss the point.

  11. dicentra
    “Criminey. This is what a college education buys nowadays: the ability to analyze something so thoroughly that you totally miss the point.”
    Na, It’s worse than that. You aren’t allowed to have a point. Unless you adapt the proper terms, language, constructs, definitions, axioms, and logical form you aren’t allowed to have a point. You’re a clueless nonentity with a non-point. Have you ever heard of Orwellian doublespeak? If you can mess enough with the format in which an argument is made, you can always arrive at a predetermined conclusion. You can also create a very formalized system of analysis which excludes interlopers.

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