What is Mahmoud Abbas Praying For? #14

It’s Friday, so you know it’s time for the wire services to post the non sequitur non-news story of Mahmoud Abbas praying at a mosque.
However, this week’s different… this week we’re going to start a new feature called:


So, from Mahmoud Abbas’ expressions, can you tell what Mahmoud Abbas is praying for?
Is it:

a) Representative-elect Keith Ellison to stop sending fruit baskets. The apricots are killing him.

b) For his aides to stop rummaging through his trashbin for food. The apricots are killing them, too.

c) You know that knick-nack paddywhack give a dog a bone, song? What the hell is a paddywhack?

d) Those bloody bells to stop! Where do we keep the guided missiles? Is there any way we can stop sending the inventory to Beit Hanun for a day and use some Qassams on those damned Bethlehem bastards?

e) To win this weekly Simon Says competition for once so he can wear the hat and the dress.

f) Willie to eat his heart out. Sing it, Johnny Otis!
Put your guesses in the comments.


    1. I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.
    2. I’m glad the new Guide for Jihadis does not prohibit goats in my personal quarters, but I hate giving up my grandson there.
    3. Indi—-gestion…
    4. I knew I should have taken my Beano with this morning’s lentils.
  1. Paddywhack? You wanna see a paddywhack? Here’s a Paddy ready to whack you like you read about in the papers, IMAO-boy! And this is when we’re just somewhat irritated!
    You point that tranquilizer dart gun at me again, clown, and your heirs and assigns will… Ow, that stung!

    1. DAMN! I hate it when I bite the inside of my mouth.
    2. I hope nobody sees me looking at my watch, and … hey, is that dude behind me checking out my butt?
    3. Okay, class. Hands to your stomachs and PURGE! PURGE! PURGE! that evil tabouleh from your systems.
    4. There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!
    5. I wonder if they knew I mugged a sailor and killed a Jesuit to get this outfit.
    6. I fart in your general direction!

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