What’s going on?

It’s been two days and nary a snark from SarahK regarding Kellie Pickler or the Antonella Barba photo scandal.
Also, there was no apolitical Friday cat blogging, my favorite imao.us feature. What’s up?
Kellie Pickler Fake Boobs/Breasts


  1. Busted for what – looking at a pair of prominently displayed knockers? Come on…

    Is SarahK so forgiving?
    It’s one thing to non chalantly take a glance; and its quite another to stare and drool 😉
    “Jerry Seinfeld: “Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don’t stare at it. It’s too risky. You get a sense of it and then you look away.”

  2. Upon doing some calculations I have figured out how tall SarahK is. FrankJ in this picture is approximately the same height as Kellie. Kellie is roughly the same height as Ryan Seacrest who is listed at a scrawny 5’8″ thus extrapolating FrankJ’s undershirt picture I have determined that SarahK is approximately 2’3″ to 2’6″. Isn’t math a great thing?

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