American Idol Season Yawn – Top however many are left

I was in the kitchen washing walls, caulking, spackling, taping–the norm–last night, so I was too busy to write about AI. If I remember correctly, LaKisha was the worst of the bunch, and I agreed with what the judges said. Granted, before she sang, I was saying to Frank, “Eh, this is the most uninspiring night yet. It’s boring without Gina, and I don’t even have Haley’s Hoo-hah to hate on, so I probably won’t even blog it at all.” Then I heard that Kiki was going to sing “Jesus Take the Wheel”. Ok, first off, that’s the song that went through my head on 2/26/07 when I had my spinout on I-95 and almost got flattened by a spinout. I’m not lying, instead of a gospel hymn like “Paradise Valley” or “We Shall Assemble”, I got Carrie Underwood in my head. And now Kiki wants to go ruin my epiphany-life-change song? It’s a good thing I didn’t see the swinging knockers while listening to her butchering of it, or I would have to start withholding that number.
Anyway, we’re on our way out the door to Bible study, peeps, so here’s my quick order, from what I can remember. It was a better night than usual, but it was still not worth leaving the kitchen for. Ouch. I can’t even remember all their names. That’s gotta sting, kids.
Jordin, but she did have some pitch problems. I guess I wasn’t jumping up and down since I’ve done better on that song. Not many times, and I probably couldn’t do better in front of millions of viewers on this week in history on that stage, but I’m a harsh critic. Oh, but she’s only 17. Hey, I put her in 1st place, what do y’all want?
Going home? Chris.


  1. Jordin
    Bald Jerry Seinfeld
    But, with demographics, bottom three: KiKi, Chris, Sanjaya. I think KiKi goes home as many of her voters will be offended by the J word.

  2. The thing I love about Jordin is she has the guts to sing the songs of the host artist. First Gwen Stefani’s song and now Martina’s.
    But Blake is my favorite. I can’t even compare him to anybody famous anymore because he is so unique.

  3. I was so geeked that Sanjaya went last night… but I didn’t think it was very classy of Simon to gloat so much. At least the Universe of Sanjaya has imploded now and we can all rest easy knowing we don’t have to sit through any more “hairy” songs. LOL

  4. I woke this morning to my friend yelling through the door, “Sanjaya was voted off”. To which I replied, “Well, at least SOMETHING good happened this week!”
    Honestly – Microsoft Office’s Clippy and Sanjaya are pretty much the same clueless learing creature. One that makes women think of Night at the Roxbury and men think of what a pride parade in India must look like.

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