American Idol Six – Top Eight elimination night

Speaking of elimination, the Dallas Stars are soooo going to eliminate the Vancouver Canucks from the Stanley Cup playoffs this round. Just so you know. /minor hockey trash talk
Wow. My first Whopper Jr. in ages. I won’t get to have them for much longer, and mmmm. I forgot how good they are.
Oh yeah. American Idol. You can see how much I care about this season any more. I’m aching for Kellie Pickler to return, that’s how much I un-heart this season. Yep. New lows.
Seacrest says the contestants brought flair, passion, and power to the Latin special. No, Ryan. They brought suckitude, apathy, and yawns. Seacrest asks who is going home and then gives Sanjaya a long look. Nope, don’t think so, but it’s good we’re all fully IN the Universe of Sanjaya.
Randy says Latin songs are hard to sing, but the contestants overall did good. Paula giggles when Ryan asks if she saw a new side to the contestants. She and her vodka can’t stop laughing. Simon says he did indeed sleep after complimenting Sanjaya last night.
The top eight (used loosely, of course) are singing “Bailamos” by William Hung, et al. It’s not good. Oh, and I can’t help but laugh at the producers’ joke when Sanjaya and Haley are center stage for a duet. Well played. It must be fuh-reeeeezing in that auditorium tonight, because Haley is clothed. Or I don’t know, maybe Haley’s mama finally told her that in Texas, we don’t like our girls to be hs.
AI “Challenge”: Which of Elliott Yamin, Kat McPhee, and Taylor Hicks performed with Meatloaf at last year’s finale. How could we forget that? I mean… really. How. I don’t remember what I said at the time, but I’m recalling it with a big fat “egad”.
Oh yeah, the songwriting contest! I assume they’re having this because the finale songs have gotten worse every single year. The song that wins will be sung on the finale. Please peeps, send in non-crappy, non-campy, non-“inspirational” drivel that someone would sing weepily to their mama at a 50th wedding anniversary party, ok? Avoid songs in the key of dull. Prime examples of what to stay away from include: “Inside Your Heaven” (known in our house as “Inside Your Tear Ducts”), “Do I Make You Proud” (Weird Al’s version is so much better), “Flying Without Wings”, and whatever nasty spittle Kat McPhee sang for the finale last year.
Seacrest went to the streets to interview people about the show. It’s kinda cute. A lady ran away from Ryan at the end when he said “Come on baby, give me a nice, wet, lickery kiss.”
A-Kon is on again singing “Don’t Matter”. He really likes singing on American Idol, because he was on with Gwen Stefani two weeks ago. He wants to fight for his right to love, yeah. You know what? I’m just happy he’s not singing about bchs and knp*y hd
d h*s, as the hip-hop artists are so inclined to do these days. (And yes, I grew up in urban America and was a minority in my high school by the time I graduated, and I’m quite sure that at our school, knappy was spelled with a k. I’m well-educated on knappy. It means tangled, bushy, messy, gross. Even white people with dreds can have knappy hair–my mom’s best friend’s son and my own brother have had some knappy dreds, dawg. Every time I saw my brother with dreds, I would most assuredly make a comment about his knappy hair. It wasn’t racist. It was just because his hair was knappy. For more urban education, just ask me questions. I’m happy to help.)
What was I talking about? Yes. The bad Ford commercial. It’s “Knappy Together”. No, sorry, that’s “Happy Together”. They got ahold of the CSI: Horatio visual effects and started morphing heads into other heads and cars into other cars. Morphing is wrong. I’m coming out against genetic morphing, especially genetic morphing funded by my American Idol votes and my driving of a Ford.
I can’t actually see the game right now, because we have 2 things recording on the DVR, and our non-livingroom TVs don’t get VS channel. But according to the Stars’ website, the game is knotted at 1, thanks to our Captain. At 11 I can switch to the game. Florida sucks and has no sports radio, at least the east coast of Florida.
LOL, Soup moment: they’re promoting the charity event, and Simon is showing the children in Africa that the charity event will help, and one of the little girls drew Simon with boobies. Simon says he doesn’t much like her.
Ryan asks Simon if they raise $20MM, will Simon get up and sing onstage? Simon says no, you can do better.
They do a splice job with the judges trashing a contestant and Tony Bennett auditioning. “Other door.”
NO NO! They’re recapping the Latin show! WHY?! I like my ears! I need them for hearing and producing wax! They show Haley after the judges’ comments last night, and Haley says, “I guess I’m gonna go, uh, put a robe on.” Yes, because that’s the first time she’s heard the comment about her dressing problem? Wah.
Oh, poor wittle Haley says it hurt a little bit, and she’s not gonna wear anything that she feels is inappropriate. Yes, just what would you consider inappropriate? Garters and crotchless panties?
Phil is in the bottom three.
LaKisha is safe.
Jordin is safe.
Melinda is safe.
Haley is in the bottom three.
Ryan keeps teasing Sanjaya and telling him to stand up but then telling him to sit back down, because we’re not ready for him yet.
Blake is safe.
Chris is in the bottom three. Sanjaya is safe.
I predicted this bottom three exactly. It’s not even challenging to predict the bottom three! Now there’s a break and then a J-Lo.
After the break, Chris gets to sit back down. He is safe to sing another day. Finally, we will be rid of either the Hoo-Hah Girl or Pennywise. I actually hope it’s the Hoo-Hah girl. Yes, I who have always withheld Phil’s number would rather keep him around if it means getting rid of LegsMcCrotchy.
Hey, if J-Lo was a contestant, I would vote for her over any of the other contestants last night. My critiques would be that she ran out of breath a little at the end, and she needs to put her middle finger down a little. She was much more passionato than the others. J-Lo says she thinks she comes from the Paula school of criticism, not that we don’t need our Simon. She believes in accentuating the positive. At least she’s honest. She’s charming and clothed for the evening.
Haley and her hoo-hah are going home, to the place where they belong, where love has always been enough for them. That’s all I know of the song, still.
Next week is country with Martina McBride!! The only week to look forward to. But with this bunch, I’m not optimistic.


  1. boooo! stuck for another week with that repulsive, pale, lex luther lookin guy — i thought haley was a much better asset for the show — though her sing-out reminded me just how badly she sucked last night

  2. Further proof that getting what you want doesn’t make you happy… Getting rid of Hoo-Hah Haley isn’t going to make any of the rest sing any better and the “it” quotient of the show just dropped to minus 7.

  3. D, that’s funny. I said the same thing to my wife. Para Espanol, primera dos.
    SarahK, I only have 1 problem with Haley going home. Well, ok, 3 problems: (1) I’ll no longer get to see you write about “hoo-hah,” and that makes me sad, because references to hoo-hah made me laugh. Promise me you’ll throw in some references to hoo-hah from here on out, k? Great. (2) She’s going home before Sanjaya. (3) All the remaining females are ugly (albeit more talented). Waaah.

  4. see, Jay knows what it’s like around here after my favorite-to-hate-on finally leaves. there will still be plenty of references. after hearing everyone butcher country music next week, i’ll be asking, please, can Haley and her hoo-hah come back? i mean, i still reference Kellie Pickler. though Haley’s no where near being in Pickler’s league.

  5. Bob – I take exception to item 3. Jordin is quite lovely, but at 17 it will be a few years before she has “it” (and I’m not referring to Pennywise-type “IT”). I’m beginning to think that the Sanjaya death watch may be the only thing keeping the show afloat this year.

  6. let’s just go straight to the Melinda-Jordin showdown, shall we? the only comparable final in the show’s run would be Clay-Ruben (though there’s not really as good a 3rd as K-Lo).

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