American Idol Six – Top Nine elimination night

I fear that Gina is going home, even though I didn’t predict it, and even though she doesn’t deserve it. Who did I predict? Phil.
The bad Ford commercial is truly freaky and bad. Oh, and it’s green. It’s “One Love”, and they take soap out of rainforest flowers or something, and Kermit makes a guest appearance, and there’s a Hybrid, and Kermit loves being green. I’m gonna stop even mentioning these things.
Oh no no no. No no. The groups are divided thus: Blake, Chris, Sanjaya; Haley, Gina, Phil; Jordin, Melina, LaKisha. One of the groups is the bottom three. And I’m guessing it’s Haley, Gina, Phil. Gina does not deserve to be with Phil and Haley.
Haley is in a hoo-hah skirt again, just in case she needs to perform again.
Jordin, Melinda, LaKisha are safe. They are the top three. Blake, Sanjaya, Chris are safe. They are the middle three. Haley, Gina, and Phil are the bottom three. Did I already say that Gina does not deserve to be with Pennywise and Hoo-Hah Girl?
American Idol “Challenge”: Which American Idol finalist was jokingly referred to as “Chicken Little”? Kevin Covais, Bucky Covington, Taylor Hicks. Jokingly, you say? Nah, just kidding, Kevin. I mean Bucky! I’m not giving y’all the answer, you have to have AI brains, dawgs.
Tony Bennett has the flu. So in his place sings Michael Buble. Um, I accept the replacement. Funny, he’s an amazing talent, but if he were a contestant, I would tell him he has the Chris Richardson Microphone Placement Disease. He keeps losing the mic. But wow.
Ha, when the yummy singing is over (See kids? That’s how it’s done on standards night.), Michael (we’re old friends because he just sang to me, so surnames are an unnecessary formality now) asks Ryan if he’s wasting his votes by still voting for Antonella. Ryan recovers after a few moments’ silence and says he’s doing the same thing.
So now it’s Haley, The Glock, and Phil in the middle of the stage. Once again, Phil is sent from the bottom three back to safety. Randy’s a little surprised about Gina, a little surprised about both of them. Simon is not surprised. Simon, you are breaking Gina’s heart.
Haley and her hoo-hah are staying, and The Glock is going home. Wrong wrong wrong. America sucks.
Agh, I just realized she sang a going home song. Meanwhile, Sanjaya and his ridiculous hair are still around. Haley and her stinky hoo-hah are still around. Pennywise and his untanned head are still around, while his poor baby is at home alone.
Hmm. I’m losing my love for AI.


  1. I thought Buble was worse than any of the contestants last night. That was really very mediocre. And his commentary afterward was kind of creepy and inappropriate.
    honsetly, Gina couldn’t have lasted much longer anyway, even though I like her. But she and Good Chris should unquestionably still be there while Sanjaya and Bad Chris are home crying. Blech.

  2. That. Was. So. Wrong.
    I think Ryan should have told Michael that voting for Antonella when she was a contestant was a waste of time even then!
    My six-year-old son can tell that the results are all wrong. If this keeps up I don’t know how many more seasons I would give AI.
    So how much do you attribute this to Howard Stern and the Vote for the Worst people?

  3. **** *** ****!* ASD***AS SDDFA***** ** **ASDF ** ASDFAS** * ****** * **A* SD******* **DASFG**** * *** *** ****!!!!!!!
    Anyone who reads these should know that I’m a huge Gina fan. And right now I’m ready to spit nails and kick a hole in my TV. Slutnato should NOT still be here while Gina gets kicked! Thats ******’ wrong! She should have at least made it to the top five, and she is so much better than Lightbulb-head, Zombie, Slutnato, Chris R. I mean, c’mon! Gina was great, good-looking, and had a great voice (she showed that with her controlled performance). There is no way, I repeat, no way she should be gone. AI will be a crappier show because of her absence.

  4. I liked Gina, but in all reality, she wouldn’t have made it to the end. At least she will be touring. She had a great personality.
    Ok, I don’t get it, what is the Pennywise reference?

  5. I agree with others that Gina had no hope of making the finales. What’s wrong is she really wanted to be there, worked hard to be there, and was performing well enough to be there longer than:
    Phil – I’m Fake
    Sanjaya – Wait until I’m 30 and build Neverland 2
    Harlot “These songs have lyrics?” Skanknato
    I don’t think people are upset that Gina didn’t win, they are really upset that the other 3 are staying. It would be a fair fight if we were down to the final 6 and the bottom 3 was:
    Chris R
    (assuming Blake was the best guy, with Jordin and Melinda heading to the finals).

  6. adamboysmom, Pennywise was the clown in the Stephen King book It. Tim Curry played Pennywise in the made-for-TV movie.
    Beo, Frank has twice given me guns for Christmas. He should have considered before such gifts if he ever wanted to “get me in line”. And you know what I mean. America rocks (it’s the 1911 of countries!), but right now America’s taste and priorities in relation to American Idol suck. Happy?

  7. I didn’t realize how much of a Gina fan I was until they said she was leaving. I mean, I liked her. But when they told her to pack it up, I found myself wondering if I’d bother to tune in next week. I guess what I’ll miss is the color she brings after the very predictable and/or bad performances from the others.
    Next week I’ll have to check the baseball schedule first.

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