Don Imus In Trouble Again

Don Imus, the beleaugered radio show host who was recently suspended for calling the Rutgers basketball team a bunch of “nappy headed hos” got into even more troulbe today.
The National Organization of Nappy Headed Hos filed a formal complaint with the FCC.
Said the national chair, Hillariqa, “Just cuz I got a nappy head, don’t mean you have to be calling me no basketball player. That @(#& is just disrespectful.”
Also joining in the complaint was her co-chair, Nanconda. “Why you gotta do us like that? We work so hard on these mean streets. Every day we just out here bustin our butts, or vice versa. You don’t have to call us basketball players. There are other ways you can compliment our ball handling skills”
Don Imus will be going down to the ghetto this afternoon to meet with all the Nappy Headed Hos and have a discussion about the hurt feelings he caused among these people.
Said Hillariqa, “I’m sure some people wouldn’t care what some old white fart has to say, but not me: I take everything personal. I’m not the type of person who can just disregard this and go about my daily business. I need him down here to explain to me just why he thought it was funny to call the Nappy Headed Hos basketball players.”
Imus is sure to face another suspension over this incident. An executive, who insisted on remaining anonymous, stated: “We need to look at our core audience and make sure they are happy. Just because the Nappy Haired Hos don’t listen to the program, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to cater to their every feeling. Apologizing isn’t enough. We may have Imus do community work at a children’s center or maybe even a hair salon.”
IMAO will provide coverage of this issue as it develops. .

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  1. While I’m not suggesting, in any way that Imus is even mildly amusing, I have to ask, “What the hell happened in this country?”
    It seems our biggest weakness, these days, is that Americans suffer from a deficiency of humor, or sense thereof.
    Are we not capable of understanding what a joke is, (no matter how lame)?
    Do they make suppliments for funny-bone-loss?
    I know, who do we blame? …teachers, parents, religion? How about the government?
    …sniff, sniff, my sores are weeping.

  2. Imus said something that could be construed as racist-
    As long as one is looking for a reason to be offended by the slightest thing. Jesse Jackass has stated that “Imus needs to go” for saying that they have messy hair & are promiscuous. Could that be far from the truth? Sports stars aren’t necessarily know for their virtuous lifestyles off the court.
    So, what a nappy headed character Jackson is. It’s not as though he’s ever really been a exemplar of virtue, either; just ask his former mistress, whom he cheated on by sleeping with his wife. And his hair looks… unkempt. Lets keep Imus; Jesse needs to go.

  3. Freedom Of Speech. When was that removed from the Constitution? Although not a fan of Imus nor what he said, IMHO The accomplishments of the Rutgers Womens basketball team is tainted by only their outcry. The emotional in against number Duke and all they battled is lost. They should have held their heads high and said “Don Imus. Who is he?” I have lost all respect when even more respect could have been won. Get over yourselves. You are not victims but just humans living in adversity. When you learn that you will get your degree. Even if it’s from the Univ. of New Jersey

  4. fire Imus for what? I feel he has a constitutional right to his comments even tho they were in poor taste. Look at difference in game film apperance of the team and the press conference after Imus made his remarks. Fire him Hell No.

  5. Regarding the outcry about IMUS calling blacks “NappyHos”.
    As a 40-year old proud and dignified black man, I say that maybe the solution to our problems should very well begin with our own people. There is a clear double standard here, where blacks call each other those nasty, insulting and degrading words, then for God sake want to execute IMUS for use a less offensive word.
    Take a look at http://www.Nappyhos.Com , http://www.Nappyhoes.Com and http://www.Nappyhoe.Com. These links are pointing to and it looks like someone from the Rutgers women’s basketball team bought it to profit from this sad situation. Not sure if they trying to patent that word now? Just like how Chris Rock was trying to patent the word “nigga”? Why are blacks happily profiting from words they claim they hate?
    A popular black teen website, “Holla.US” also uses the name “Ni**erPlace.Com”; most of its members happily call each other nasty words on its blogs and commenting friend’s pages.
    I think charity begins are home; therefore, Al Sharpton and all of his so call black leaders should honestly and seriously stop executing other race for using these. They seem like hypocrites.

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