In your face, IRS! That’s less than I saved on Coca-Cola after I was diagnosed with epilepsy last year and stopped drinking caffeine, you bloodsuckers!

Owing $142 on April 16 is almost as good as owing $.01 or $.00. When you’re talking about thousands of dollars in tax liability, $142 is so immaterial that I can say we’re practically at $0 tax liability (I mean, we’re still going to pay it so both worthless parties can spend the money on pork and social programs in which I don’t believe), and at the same time, we didn’t give the feds an interest-free loan. I think that’s 3 out of the last 4 years for me that I can think of. Or something like that.
Eat that, moneymongers!


  1. The sad part is that you probably owed more than $142 in taxes. The $142 is the unpaid additional money you owed to the IRS. Well, I guess it is better than having the government hold your cash interest-free for months.
    Some years ago, by dumb luck, my additional tax bill to the State of Maryland was $1.50. Never did THAT again!
    Here’s an interesting fact I once heard: Tax withholding was started to pay for WWII. Did you ever wonder what would happen if everyone was forced to make a quarterly payment to the IRS by writing a check?

  2. Never ignore withholding. That’s where they stick it to you. After skinning 20% off every paycheck for an entire year comes the added insult of “BTW, you still owe us 641 bucks on top of what we stole from you all year long, you stupid bag of money! Bwah hahahahahahaha!” (they didn’t have to add the laughter. that stings)
    That more people never give the withholding scheme a second thought tells me this outright theft of OUR money will never end, and will only get worse.

  3. What’s this withholding thing y’all are talking about? You mean it’s not just $142 we had to pay for the whole year? Whaaaaat?
    Lest ye all keep thinking I’m just a stupid little girl, I was a CPA for 5 years and a financial statement auditor for 7. I was in the workforce for something like 11 or 12 and also look at all of Frank’s paystubs and enter every one of them into Quicken (not the net amount, the gross and all deductions), so I’m very aware of the whole “you don’t take home your whole paycheck” thing.
    Not to mention that I did fill out this thing called a 1040 (I don’t just hand it off to someone smarter than me), and there’s this line for “Total Tax”, and another line for “Withholding”, and another line for amount owed or refund.
    I’m just so pleased to NOT be getting a refund, which would mean we had given the feds an interest free loan, and at the same time we aren’t paying much extra at all, so the withholding (what is that again?) was just about right.
    Believe me, I gripe all the time about all the money the government steals from us to give to social programs and other pork I don’t believe in. I mean, not only is Frank an engineer, but we are business owners. And the being business owners part is one way they stick it to us even harder. It’s not just the regular 30% or whatever our tax rate is now, we also have to pay the 8% self-employment tax on business income.
    Hey, did y’all know that all that money they take for social security is money you’re never gonna see? I hope you kids are saving your own money. I can’t believe I know that, being I’m just an idiot who doesn’t know that “withholding” means the government is taking your money.

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