Lymphoma Has Made the Wrong Enemy

Fred Thompson has revealed he has lymphoma (if Red State has recovered from being linked by The Drudge Report, Fred Thompson wrote about it in a post there). It’s in remission and has no effect on him (because, of course, he’s Fred Thompson). I’ve never publicly said so, but I’m kinda excited about the idea of a Fred Thompson candidacy, so I hope the fact that he’s putting this information out is an indication he’s planning on running.
I’m sure you will all join me in wishing Fred Thompson the best, but you should also know that he spits on our well-wishes because he doesn’t need them. He’s Fred Thompson.


  1. I am sure that the only reasond Fred Thompson has lymphoma is that his body is the only safe place he can store it so he can unleash it on his enemies at a later date. This would be one more reason to classify him as a WMD.

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