WSJ Today

If you happen to read the Wall Street Journal today, read the letters to the editor on page A13.
The last one? Mine. A response to Case Closed: Tax Cuts Mean Growth by his eminent Fredness.
But seeing my words in black and white on dead tree media. It’s hard to believe.
Sure you can read it online too, I mention the Laffer curve. But its in print too
Update: Am I looking for kudos? Virtual cookies? Pats on the back? No, I am really saying “HAH! My words are in the WSJ and yours, not so much. Neener, neener, neener.”


  1. I agree, heartily (with your WSJ response). Your response should be made permanent (on the IMAO homepage). I’ve heard some commenters try to say so what “I was on Rush Limbaugh.”
    It’d be a joke if it weren’t just so sad. Is it so terribly unexpected that different people would watch/read different media? Every comment made multiplies through the internet. Every thought expressed spreads through the blogsphere. Shoot, this response could be made even better before we hit the comment box size limit. Don’t webmasters take HTML?
    Good response. Run for president.

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