Blog Poll

BlogAds is having another blog poll to see who is reading blogs. Participate, and you’ll get a cookie.
On the first page of the survey, you get to write a testimonial for IMAO. Tell me what you wrote in the comments (and make it super awesome!).
Please take my blog reader survey!

Fred Thompson Facts T-Shirt

By popular demand, I’ve made a Fred Thompson Facts t-shirt over at the IMAO Store. It has a Fred Thompson for President logo on the front and these facts on the back:
* Fred Thompson often fills in for Paul Harvey and Batman.
* Physicists say nothing can escape a black hole or Fred Thompson.
* Why does Iran want nukes? Fear of Fred Thompson.
* Though Fred Thompson left the Senate in 2003, Harry Reid still hasn’t stopped wetting his pants.
* Only two things can kill Superman: Kryptonite and Fred Thompson.
* Every night, Osama checks under his bed for Fred Thompson.
* Fred Thompson is a prime number.
* Actual cause of global warming? Fred Thompson’s burning rage.
* Fred Thompson appears human size because he is actually standing a million miles away.
* Not only does Fred Thompson cut taxes, he cuts tax collectors.
Maybe later I’ll make some stickers and magnets with individual Fred Thompson facts. If there are some facts you like that I didn’t include, put them in the comments.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson can win any presidential debate by answering “I’m Fred Thompson” to every question.