Movie Madness! UPDATED with answers and clues

Ok, I’m updating yesterdayThursday’s movie madness meme with those that have already been guessed as well as a quote from each movie that’s not been guessed as a hint. And again… NO CHEATING. NO GOOGLING. NO LOOKING ANYTHING UP. Those who either flat-out said, “I cheated,” or obviously cheated by listing out all 50 movies in order, complete with Chinese names of movies and everything — those comments got put into moderated status yesterday. The whole point of the game is thinking, not research. Sorry. Maybe sometime in the future, I’ll put up a research game and we can all play college freshmen. So here’s what the game is about again (movies are in the extended entry.)
I’ve been tagged by wRitErsbLock with a movie meme. Here are the rules, which I, of course, won’t follow. I don’t like rules.

Pick out ten favorite movies, then look them up at IMDb. In the overview at the top of each movie’s page, there are “Plot Keywords,” usually five of them. (Plus more, if you click the link.) Take the first five, and post them. Then the rest of us get to play movie buff and see if we can guess them.

Of course, instead of ten, since ten would take about two minutes for you smartypantses to get, Frank and I went through the movies together and picked out 50 off our DVD shelves (ok, I think we don’t own two on the list, but I reeeeally want #43). Here’s what I want your answer format to look like, because I am nothing if not bossy:

# – Name of movie – any other comments you may want to share about the movie. Go!

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Daily Fred Thompson Fact

When Fred Thompson had to watch Sleepless in Seattle with his wife, somehow that version had ninja attacks, gun fights, and explosions.
He still thought it was gay.