24 Day 6 — 3 a.m. to 4 a.m.

Yeah, we watched Heroes and got ready to deflea the house last night instead of watching 24. But we’re watching it now, and then we’ll watch American Idol after we eat. I can’t fully blog AI and eat. AI blogging is way too involved, dawg.
See, Morris was brave enough to step up and cover up Milo with the jacket because Morris is probably toasted. Chloe was right all along. And wow, Mrs. Petrelli! Your super-secret mutant power is not shutting up!
I don’t know. If a terrorist tells you “We’re moving you to a secure room, do what we tell you and you won’t be hurt,” I’m not so sure I’m trusting that guy to feed me Wheaties and let me call home.
“We’re moving you in two groups. Group One, on your feet. You’re through to the next round. Group Two, I’m sorry. Hollywood week ends for you here. You’re all winners for making it this far.”
Hey, that was pretty cool, but where was Chloe in that big fight scene with Jack, Nadia (Yassir), and Morris? I guess she was in Group Two. They’ve really ruined her great character this year. She was great with one-liners, great with guns and taking out bad guys, and now even when she has a chance to be Chloe, she shows up at the end of the scene with “That was really brave.” What, is she gonna turn out to be a mole or something? Yawn.
Wow, finally an action-packed day. Until now, I felt like I was watching a twenty-four hour real-time serial about a guy named Ivan Denisovich. I mean, yeah, I loved that book, but can you imagine watching him eat a bowl of soup for an hour? If you’ve watched most of this season, then the answer is yes!
“Lisa Miller is spying for the Russians?” “No, the man she’s romantically involved with is.” “Who, you?”
How does Lisa’s boyfriend not see the camera that he keeps staring at?
Aaaaaaand there she is going crazy, and here we are EXACTLY at Season One. Only he didn’t die. I guess that’s one difference? Whatever.
Oooh. Crazy Old Man Bauer totally just that’ll do lil pig’d Chang.
Mary Lynn Rajskub totally looks beaten down that she’s even in this season. And that new Division guy looks just like Brian Williams. His looks alone are an error in judgment. Even Nadia puts (Yassir) after her name when she tells people her name. She even says it like that. “This is Nadia (Yassir).”
Maybe Josh isn’t Jack’s son. Maybe he’s Jack’s dad’s son. And that’s why he’s “his legacy.”
Hey Russia. You’re about to tick us off. You should back the heck down before we shove some well-placed circuitry down your communist throats. You’re not dealing with President Waynewreck anymore. VPOTT has actual testosterone and would probably retaliate, dipstick.
It’s good the serial number of the component was flashing on Bisquick’s PDA, because that made it easier for we, the viewers, to see that it agreed to the number Crazy Old Man Bauer said it would be.
As soon as Jack told Josh to wait over there, I’ll meet you in the car, I said, “No, don’t do that…” Dumb kids, never listen to me.
Man I have a headache. The kids on American Idol better sing on key tonight.
Oh, it looks like Chloe is unconscious in next week’s two-hour finale. Apparently, she is that bored with her character this season, too. Mary Lynn, we know it’s not your fault. It’s the writers’. Hey, we heard on Laura Ingraham’s show today (while we were driving down A1A with two cats and a dog, yes, we’re that stupid) that she has a walk-on role next week. So look out for that.

One Comment

  1. Great wrap up of the show sarahk. I am tired of them changing the head of CTU every other week. They all come in, make everyone look suspicious and then…they muddy everything up. If every person that was in the CIA was as non-committal and stupid as they are made out to be on this show we would already be wearing burkas and eating…whatever it is that muslims eat (not pork ribs i guess). i mean these people CAN NOT make a decision without a two minute personal moment involved where there is kissing or emotional stress or something. But I still love JACK Bauer!!!!!!! And where is Bill? Why did he leave? Where did he go? Is he divorcing Karen for firing him? WTH is going on?

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