Outrageous and Inflammatory Facts About Ron Paul

Ron Paul sucks. Ron Paul also blows. All this just from respiring.
A lot of the time Ron Paul is quite full of crap .Is Ron Paul crazy? If so, he is crazy and full of crap.
But most shockingly: When Ron Paul eats at restaurants he has a well known penchant for public mastication.
Can Ron Paul ever hope to get the Republican nomination when these truths are more widely known? Doubtful when his poll ratings can’t get much lower.
Ref: Extreme Mortman


This FAQ makes me sad and yet I have to laugh too.

Prayers Needed

Blogger Jack Lewis has two special needs kids to take care of, but his wife lost her job and insurance due to an unscrupulous boss and false accusations (it’s a pretty angrifying story). Please keep them in your prayers.

Week in Peeps

Mary Katharine Ham has a new “Week in Peeps” video. I always thought puppets were the best educational tool, but I guess peeps work well too.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson has a cameo appearance in the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie. He plays the force of nature.

Meanwhile, In An Alternate Universe…

(hat tip to reader Charles for inspiring this one)
The shrieking freaks at ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) are planning to protest Dick Cheney’s address at the West Point commencement ceremony on May 26th as part of what they’re calling their “Turn Up the Heat in 2007” campaign of year-long slogan-chanting.
What’s the matter with these people? It’s Memorial Day weekend! Can’t they take a break from rooting against the troops to have a barbecue or something?
Anyway, after reading yet another of their tiresome screeds, I nodded off out of sheer boredom and had the most wonderful dream. I was transported to a happy world where ANSWER was actually a group of pro-victory patriots which wanted America to win this war as much as this world’s ANSWER wants America to lose it. And in that beautiful dream, their “Turn up the Heat in 2007″ page looked something like this:

A Proposal for Nation-Wide Protests
“Turn Up the Heat in 2007”
A Year of Protest and Resistance
blow up terrorists.jpg On March 17, tens of thousands of people marched on the Pentagon. Between March 17-20, more than 1,000 protests took place in cities and towns throughout the country.
The people of the country want the war to end immediately in victory. Instead, the death toll for terrorists barely grows higher every day. Politicians fiddle and jockey for electoral advantage while tens of thousands of troops get sent once again, and for extended 15 month tours, to do the killin’ that they do so well. Sadly, though, the list of terrorist dead is still well under 100,000 as a result of this war, which is tragically undersupported and underfunded by Bush and Congress.
Iraq is Bush’s Vietnam. Or possibly Korea. Maybe the War of 1812. History’s not my long suit. Anyway, this war based on “being nice” and “minimizing collateral damage” enters its fifth year with no end in sight.
Bush and the Generals hang on to the fantasy of military victory that doesn’t include shedding oceans of Islamofascist blood. Congress voted to prolong the war for at least another year. If the war is not worth fighting after 2008, then why should one more Soldier or Marine be sent to kill terrorists in Iraq in 2007, when we have thousands of nuclear-tipped missiles that could kill terrorists for them?
The U.S. invasion and occupation has yet to kill the thugs and murderers who plunged Iraqi society into a terrible nightmare. We, the people, must act now, to stop this criminal enterprise. The drug-addled hippies, not the politicians, lost the Vietnam War. We must ignite a firestorm of grassroots pro-victory activity.
Starting in 1968, shortly after the pro-communist-slanted mis-reporting of the Tet Offensive, the defeatist idiots of this country became a major factor in the calculations of the warmakers. Treason and subversion grew in every community, in every school, and in the audience of every Grateful Dead concert, as tens of thousands of gullible morons became the simpering propaganda tools of the Viet Cong.
Starting then, it was impossible for any government leader, Pentagon spokesperson or pro-victory member of Congress to visit any community or school in the country without the knowledge that they would be confronted by some screeching, unbalanced, anti-war-tard too permanently stoned to even master a job as a “hot lipid potato engineer” at McDonald’s. No military recruiter could dare come on any campus without having the knowledge that smelly, anti-American loser-monkeys would fling figurative and literal poo at them.
We all know what we got for listening to those thrice-bedamned crap-slingers, and the merry hell if we’re letting it happen again!
We are proposing to tens of thousands of pro-victory activists and organizers around the country that we all join together and guarantee that wherever and whenever Bush, Cheney, government officials and other slinky-spined “pro-victory” members of Congress step out in public they will know with certainty that they will be met by REAL pro-victory protestors. Many committed pro-victory activists have been making it their business to confront the warmakers when they come to their towns. This must become a deepened, dedicated and concerted action of the pro-victory movement as a whole. We must make it clear to them that we will accept no outcome in this war that doesn’t include making a pile of dead terrorists 1368 feet tall.
This is the essence of the new nation-wide campaign called “Turn up the Heat in 2007.” The campaign is very simple. ANSWER (Activate Nuclear Solution to Win and End Resistance) and other national pro-victory coalitions will mobilize for every local and regional action that confronts the war makers and their spokespersons whenever they appear in public. We will encourage them to have our troops use massive, overwhelming amounts of explosive, incendiary, and nuclear ordnance on our enemies. We must let our leaders know that we want the terrorists to burn on Earth before they burn in Hell.
This campaign starts now.
On May 26, there will be a demonstration at West Point, New York where Dick Cheney will be the keynote speaker at a graduation ceremony. Activists are assembling at Veteran’s Park in nearby Highland falls at 8:30 a.m. for a march to the Thayer Gate into West Point. The ANSWER Coalition will be screaming their unquenchable thirst for terrorist blood at this demonstration.
Bush, Cheney and every other pussy-footing politician — which means anyone who is for prolonging the Iraq war — will feel the pressure of the Turn Up the Heat campaign in the weeks and months to come.
The Turn Up the Heat campaign will promote and publicize the effectiveness of nuclear weapons as a means of pacifying a fanatical enemy (Japan – hint, hint) and also encourage every action that contributes to the decisive breaking of either our enemies’ support networks, will, or bodies – and the sooner, the better. The power to end the war is in the people, but we must step up the pressure from every direction.
Let’s unite and support all pro-victory actions in 2007. Together we will Turn up the Heat. Together we will end this war with a decisive American victory and plenty of dead terrorists.

Does He Really Have a Chance?

Since TV became a factor in presidential politics in 1960, Americans have never elected a man that didn’t have important-looking hair (Ford wasn’t elected, W – while always in need of a trim – at least doesn’t have hairline issues, and LBJ had that Jack Nicholson look going for him).
Will his bald spot turn out to be Fred Thompson’s kryptonite?