After Much Thought, Fred Thompson Has Decided We’re Worthy

It’s starting to sound pretty official: Fred Thompson will join the race on July 4th. He also might start taking donations on my birthday, June 4th, which derails my plans to ask you for money that day because who is going to give me money when you could instead give it to Fred Thompson.
Anyway, make sure you have a Fred Thompson Facts t-shirt for when he announces on Independence Day (I’ll get your money yet!).

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  1. We will expect all other Republican prick loser idiot dick-head candidates to immediately drop out of the race upon Fred Thompson’s announcement. Democrats shall not be allowed to drop out so that Fred Thompson is allowed to crush one of them in a 50 state land slide…

  2. “This is looking more and more like the Bush administration’s domestic version of Iraq: a big risky gamble, based on wishful thinking and nonexistent administrative competence that will end in disaster?”
    -May16th Kausfiles from slate magazine.
    Dead on analogy for this debacle. The only way Bush can cement his legacy as the dumbest president in history is with Domestic Iraq. He wants to mess up our country like he has messed up our foreign policy.
    We have to secure the borders over there so we don’t have to secure em over here. Where can I sign up to secure Iraq’s borders??

  3. Can’t wait for the first debate after July 4th when one of these fake conservative republican pricks like McCain says something that Fred Thompson doesn’t like and Fred Thompson gives him the Fred Thompson look and McCain pisses himself…along with the rest of the pretenders! Now if we can only get him to pick Bolton as his veep, life would be excellent!

  4. It won’t matter. Bush will have the country so f***ed up by the time he leaves that Thompson won’t be able to fix it. 40 million guest voters coming to replace us. La Raza in 08!

  5. Frank, you should offer a second version of the shirt; some of the more recent Faily Facts are a lot funnier…
    If only I had artistic skills… I have this image in my head of the old Raid insecticide commercials, of the insects screaming “RAID!” as the can began to spray. Someone should redo that with Hillary or John Edwards, (Or any democrat of choice), screaming “FRED!”, with a toweriong Fred Thompson instead of a can. Maybe with an ax. Or an M60. If anybody can, use it, and give me props 😉

  6. Hey Acroso,
    Why are La Raza and MECha hypocrites?
    Because they want those with Northern European names to return to Europe, but NOT those with Southern European names.
    If they were truly about RACE, they would ban those with Hispanic names from their ranks too. Just like Lefties, the typical hypocracy.

  7. Little known Fred! fact, Patrick Swayze’s character in Road House was based on Fred! “Dalton” Thompson’s early life.
    They threw in the repeated line, “I thought you’d be bigger” to hide that.

  8. Oh, and Writer, that’s only part of why they’re hypocrites.
    The American Indians who were here when Colombus got here weren’t the first to get here, they killed and ate the ones here before them.
    Just ask any cliff dweller.
    Well, you could ask them if they hadn’t been killed and eaten.
    At least we just killed them and stole their land, we didn’t eat them.

  9. Veeshir,
    In my case, my European ancestors did as the Hispanics-they made love, not war. I have more Native American blood than European, despite my name. As for their land, it is still in part of the family.

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