


  1. 2008 modifications to Idol.
    Rule #1 – No poofters.
    Rule #2 – there is no rule #2.
    Rule #3 – No commies.
    Rule #4 – No poofters.
    Rule #5 – No talent-free commie poofters.
    That is all.

  2. i for one, am happy melinda didn’t make it — i’m tired of her — at least blake does something interesting once in a while, and I’m all for jordin winning — we didn’t need a repeat of the fantasia debacle — i’m anxiously awaiting sarahk’s run-down

  3. Blake–ugh.
    Please, please, please let Jordin pick a song so powerful that Skunk-Boy can’t get within 10 feet of the stage without getting blown away by her vocals. Especially since he’ll probably pick some dead disco hit, stutter halfway through it, and win anyway. Sad.

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