CO2 Emissions Down; Environmentalist Unemployment Up

Sad news for the global warming crowd, as US emissions of CO2 have actually dropped 1.3% in 2006, despite having an economy that grew 3.3% during the same year.
Which, I guess, means that Bush has saved the planet.
But what other effects will this have? I predict thusly:

  • President Bush scraps plans for emergency Presidential escape rocket to Mars
  • Environmentalists stop talking about “climate change” and start talking about “fries with that”.
  • Dole company abandons Alaskan pineapple plantation complex.
  • Al Gore wept.
  • Skyrocketing sales of “I Told You So” T-shirts to climate change deniers.
  • “Kyoto” once again only notable for being an anagram of “Tokyo”.
  • Powerful computers used to model world climate switched to BitTorrenting pirated MP3’s.
  • South American rainforest ecosystems collapse as trees succumb to oxygen poisoning.
  • New York Times headline: “Bush Fails to Prevent Global Temperature Stagnation Crisis”.
  • Sheryl Crow back to twirling Charmin around her hand like spaghetti on a fork.

As for me, it’s all about the running over hippies with my SUV.
Some things never change.


  1. * Al Gore wept.
    OMG you did NOT post that! I’m so glad I was home because mucus-y snorts of laughter are harder to clean up at work due to lack of cleaning materials at my desk…
    * Skyrocketing sales of “I Told You So” T-shirts to climate change deniers.
    I’ll buy it if I can get a deal of 4 for $20.

  2. Nothing will change.
    The Environuts have invested too much time in their efforts to eliminate the human race “for the good of the planet”.
    The MSM will ignore the news, just as they ignore anything good that has occurred aver the last seven years, or if forced to face it, they will try to spin it into bad news like they do with the economy. Most Lefties will not even be aware of the change.

  3. Thanks Harvey! That’s good practical advice. Back in the day I nearly had the lining of my nose burned out by a patchouli-dipped hippie who sat about 8 rows away from me…put a whick in his ear and he’d have burned for a month.

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