Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson was originally considered for the lead to 24, but then the producers realized that, with how long it takes Fred Thompson to solve any national crisis, they’d have to rename the series 0.2.


  1. They also realized that Fred Thompson would wreak such violence upon his enemies that they could never show it on TV and he would NEVER EVER allow crying on his show!!!

  2. I heard from a fairly reliable source that, when writing about the destructive capacity of the Death Star, George Lucas was inspired by Fred Thompson.
    Of course, George had to include some method for the Death Star to be defeated, which ends the paralell very quickly.

  3. Actually, the producers realized that all terrorists within a 50 mile radius of Fred Thompson immediately curl up into a fetal position, burst into flame and implode, thus negating the need for a series in the first place.
    Alternately, Fred Thompson doesn’t give two shits what happens to Los Angeles.

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