Daily Fred Thompson Fact

The chupacabra is in fact the physical manifestation of Fred Thompson anger over illegal immigration. If Mexicans don’t want their goats sucked dry of blood, they better respect our border.


  1. I hope Fred Thompson hears about the pending Immigration “Reform” Bill soon. When he does he’s going to be very angry and there will be some splainin’ to do on capital hill! Some congressmen and a President are about to get a size (guessing here) 15 boot up the ass when Fred get’s wind of this amnesty deal!

  2. Hey, what happened to the Spanish Translation? Or is it because you pre-loaded all these “facts” into an evil blogbot weeks ago so you could appear to be posting something every day? Perhaps the Spanish translation went the way of saying “Faggot” every post. I guess I shouldn’t take a humor site too seriously, eh?

  3. Fred is all-knowing, you guys know that ;- )
    He’s already made a statement;
    “With this bill, the American people are going to think they are being sold the same bill of goods as before on border security. We should scrap this bill and the whole debate until we can convince the American people that we have secured the borders or at least have made great headway.” -Fred Dalton Thompson
    AND allow me to suggest that you consider two things, if they tell you it’s 12 million, it’s going to be more like 30 million and what political affiliation do you suppose these brand spankin’ new ‘citizens’ will join?
    What election of any kind do you believe the republican party will ever have an influence again, ever!?
    Pick up your phone and click out your address book, we’ve got survival to think about:
    GOP USA Take Action: http://capwiz.com/gopusa/utr/2/?a=9747966&i=83617942&c
    Numbers USA Take Action: http://www.numbersusa.com/actionbuffet
    Minuteman Civil Defense Take Action: http://minutemanhq.com/hq/article.php?sid=302
    IF we can’t stop or stall this from happening, not even Fred will be able to reverse the damage this will cause to the country:

  4. We should make the cryptozoologists part of the fight on illegal immigration. Once we find the chupacabra and maybe breed them, we can use them to our purposes. We would need to keep their discovery a secret, though, so we no one can point fingers at us.
    Brilliant idea, Frank!

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