Glorious Day! Fred Thompson Acknowledges Our Existence

Fred Thompson has a letter on PJM thanking us bloggers for all the support. I can only assume it’s aimed mostly at me.


  1. Fred Thompson knows all and will reward Frank J for his good deeds once in office! I’m thinkin’ special envoy press secretary to Helen Thomas…assigned to accompany her 24×7 throughout Fred Thompson’s time in office.

  2. Hey Fred, when you read this I’m available when you are elected to run your Department of State. I’d only do it part-time since I already have a full-time gig as a consultant but that’s ok. It wouldn’t take me long to fire most of the left wing commie pinko queer loser dick heads and reduce the department down to about 10 or 15 temps. What do you think? Call me ok…

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