He Loves His Pirate Booty

John Edwards has claim to part of a $500 million sunken pirate treasure. Thus comes the obvious question: What’s John Edwards’ pirate name?
Silky Beard the Pirate?
Captain Fabulous?
Long John Edwards?
It’s too bad I don’t think he has much of a chance in the primary. With the Pink Sapphire beauty treatments and his managing hedge funds to learn about poverty, the guy is pure comedy gold.


  1. Who shall we sue? An obstetrician!
    Who shall we sue? An obstetrician!
    Who shall we sue? An obstetrician!
    Ear-lye in the morning!
    Shaved her belly with a rusty razor
    Shaved her belly with a rusty razor
    Shaved her belly with a rusty razor
    Ear-lye in the morning!
    Ballad of The Crimson Litigator

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