I Want My Hugo TV!

Many people in Venezuela are protesting Hugo Chavez shutting down the most viewed television station in the country. Do not fret, Venezuelans, because it’s crappy opposition programming will be replaced with all new, Hugo-approved shows. One will be the long awaited sitcom Everyone Loves Hugo (Or Gets Shot with Rubber Bullets). You can’t help but laugh every time he says his hilarious catchphrase “It sure smells like sulfur in here!” (and if you don’t laugh, be careful to not get hit in the face with the rubber bullets).
It will show every Tuesday unless they’re a coup.


  1. Don’t forget:
    “Venezuelan Idol” (Spoiler alert: Hugo wins each season)
    “Survivor Venezuela” (Teams of democratic reformers try to keep from getting imprisoned or “disappeared” each week)

  2. Just turned on Fox to see ‘anti Chavez protesters’ marching and thought that’s great, some people are protesting Linda Chavezs’ inane comments about how wonderful the Mexican ‘immigrants’, known to us as ‘illegals’, are; and how they are just like the legal immigrants from Europe 100 years ago. Alas, the video was of HUGO, not LINDA protesters.

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