IMAO Exclusive: The White House’s and WSJ’s Immigration Bill FAQ

Due to my numerous contacts, I’ve received the FAQ the White House is going to soon put out to answer people’s concerns about the immigration bill. It was written with help from the editorial staff at the Wall Street Journal. Here it is:
Q. I’m concerned that the immigration bill focuses more on giving illegal immigrants amnesty than border protection. Does the President share these concerns?
A. The President doesn’t hate brown people.
Q. This isn’t a racial issue. Many people think this bill will only encourage more illegal immigration and leave our borders open and dangerous. What are the answer to these charges?
A. To answer your underlying question, I’m afraid the the President is against your proposal to commit genocide against Hispanics.
Q. This isn’t about Hispanics! This is about our laws being respected and our national security!
A. Unfortunately, America has had a long history of closed-minded bigots like you who hate all immigrants and want to keep the nation white and pure. To answer what we can only assume will be your next question, no, jackboots aren’t tax deductible, but have fun in your neo-Nazi march anyway.
Q. I’m not against immigrants! Why can’t you people understand there is a difference between legal and illegal immigration?! I’m only objecting to the illegal ones!
A. Calm down. It’s this frothing at the mouth anger that causes your irrational views on immigration. To answer your other concerns, Hispanics actually have excellent hygiene, are not lazy, and aren’t all criminals. Also, there has been no genetic evidence that Hispanics are inferior to the white man. I’d be careful about believing just any pamphlet handed out at your KKK meetings.
Q. With President Bush already having shaky support, do you think it’s wise to label people with legitimate concerns about illegal immigration “racists”?
A. Did anyone ever tell you have many blatantly homosexual tendencies?
Q. That’s it. I’m leaving the Republican Party.
A. And go where? The Green Party? Yeah, you have fun with that you brown-people hating, Nazi homo. Thanks for the questions!


  1. I’m leaving the Republican Party myself. I suppose I will support the Libertarian Party even if I did give up weed years ago. People kept accusing me of beating up hippies just for thier weed when that was only icing on the cake, so now I just do it for the sake of hearing thier pathetic whining for mercy.

  2. Q. With President Bush already having shaky support, do you think it’s wise to label people with legitimate concerns about illegal immigration “racists”?
    A. Did anyone ever tell you have many blatantly homosexual tendencies?
    Outstanding! I laughed out loud at that one.

  3. I would……seriously………..seriously like to know how to respond to the (actual, and as you have posted) replies that I have recieved when I bring up legitimate questions regarding ILLEGAL immigration.
    I just do not know how to respond to these kinds of tactics. (I basically move on and talk to someone that is serious, but I’d love to find a primer on how to reply to smarta**s.)
    I am writing my Congress person on a regular basis and have another letter to compose re AIDS.

  4. According to Jorge Bush fences on the border would be offensive to the Mexican citizens. I wonder if we shouldn’t take down all the fences around our military bases? Offensive to the folks that live near the bases. Require fences removed from all private homes in the USA, it’s offensive. Remove all locks and/or doors from all sturctures in the US as this is offensive. Even the Oval Office will have an “Open Door Policy”…Viva Jorge Bush…Bienvenidos Todos…our doors are open!!……

  5. According to Jorge Bush fences on the border would be offensive to the Mexican citizens. I wonder if we shouldn’t take down all the fences around our military bases? Offensive to the folks that live near the bases. Require fences removed from all private homes in the USA, it’s offensive. Remove all locks and/or doors from all sturctures in the US as this is offensive. Even the Oval Office will have an “Open Door Policy”…Viva Jorge Bush…Bienvenidos Todos…our doors are open!!……

  6. Tragically true, and in plain talk so stuipid peasants like us can all understand what that thar president has been tryin to tell us! Now I fell edumucated. Thanks, W, for setting us all straight!

  7. Hi, Frank:
    I’m curious to see how quickly Linda Chavez slips into the White House’s responses when Laura Ingraham interviews her tomorrow regarding Immigration.
    The RNC has already discovered a sure fire way to close off the Contibution Spigot attached to my wallet over this topic.
    I wonder where “The Hate-Filled Lefty” would stand on this?

  8. Excellent funny. Sadly it’s very close to how the pricks in the White House feel about us rubes and bumpkins out here in middle America! I’ve written my two idiot Senators from Minnesota several times and have written the White House but I understand that I’m part of “We The People” and I’m also a conservative and Bush told all of us to get bent on Tuesday! I seem to remember another Bush blowing up the Republican party and getting a Clinton elected…noooo…I can’t bear the thought but fear it’s happening all over again. Hillary as POTUS! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

  9. the days of Jfk,Truman,Reagan and Fdr long gone
    instead you got real mud f***ers like bush and billary back room unprincipled hacks,one a deluded aristocrat the other just a side show gypsy hooker who like all politicians think that somehow they are different or special. hey bitchs i got your special hanging

  10. We don’t have to change parties just do what I did, wrote my senators (even though they are mostly against shamnesty) and told them if the bill passes, I will never again vote for an incumbent. We can change the Republican Party back to citizen representatives instead of career politicians.

  11. Interview with immigration critic, Bill Cutting
    Reporter: Mr. Cutting, this proposed bill is said to have a mechanism for illegal aliens to be accounted for in order to better enforce our employment laws with businesses. Is this something you agree would be good if it worked?
    Bill Cutting: My great grand father gave his life, making this country what it is. Murdered by the Mexicans with all of his men on the twenty fifth of July, anno domini, 1846. Do you think I’m going to help you befoul his legacy, by giving this country over to them, what’s had no hand in the fighting for it? Why, because they come off a boat crawling with lice and begging you for soup.
    Reporter: Okay then, what about the claim that this bill will require enforcement triggers to be met before anyone is provided any temporary worker status or Z visa?
    Bill Cutting: I don’t see no Americans. I see trespassers, Mexican harps. Do a job for a nickel what a ni**er does for a dime and a white man used to get a quarter for. What have they done? Name one thing they’ve contributed.
    Reporter: So you don’t think the enforcement benchmarks will be met or they will be ignored?
    Bill Cutting: If only I had the guns, Mr. Reporter, I’d shoot each and every one of them before they set foot on American soil.
    Reporter: Critics have said their dispute is not specifically about Mexicans and its strictly about a bad immigration bill. Is this accurate?
    Bill Cutting :On the seventh day the Lord rested, but before that he did, he squatted over the side of America and what came out of him… was Mexico. No offense son.
    Reporter: Thank you Mr. Cutting.

  12. “Q. That’s it. I’m leaving the Republican Party.
    A. And go where? The Green Party? Yeah, you have fun with that you brown-people hating, Nazi homo”
    Is the White house this dumb? The Nazis threw Homos in the Camps along with everyone else. Of course, this might have something to do with the belief that Homosexuals are insane.
    No that’s not my real name and now I ahve to go into hiding from the P.C. police, since the aforementioned belief was banned from the public square by rioting Homos in the 80’s

  13. It may come down to forming a new political party for Americans. The Whigs were not capable of facing up to the great problems in America in the mid 1800’s so the Republican party was formed. Abraham Lincoln rose from relative obscurity to lead the Nation as a Republican President through the most dangerous times ever faced by this nation. We are facing dangerous times again and all we get is two parties fighting each other for
    political gain to the detriment of the United States of America

  14. polynukes, Bill Cutting (who? anyone heard of this guy before?) is like the ‘magic white man,’ you know, the one white guy that IS all those idiotic stereotypes, so people can quote him and claim that all conservatives are racists. Note the conflation from ‘white’ to ‘conservative,’ which is pretty typical. But thanks for playing.

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