Movie Madness!

I’ve been tagged by wRitErsbLock with a movie meme. Here are the rules, which I, of course, won’t follow. I don’t like rules.

Pick out ten favorite movies, then look them up at IMDb. In the overview at the top of each movie’s page, there are “Plot Keywords,” usually five of them. (Plus more, if you click the link.) Take the first five, and post them. Then the rest of us get to play movie buff and see if we can guess them.

Ok, people, no cheating and looking up the answers. Play fair. Of course, instead of ten, since ten would take about two minutes for you smartypantses to get, Frank and I went through the movies together and picked out 50 off our DVD shelves (ok, I think we don’t own two on the list, but I reeeeally want #43). Here’s what I want your answer format to look like, because I am nothing if not bossy:

– Name of movie – any other comments you may want to share about the movie. It is, after all, a comments section.

You may choose whether you go through the whole list in one big comment or in separate comments so that no one looks like they answered before you even though you really typed it first but see, your comment was one big comment and no fair, they answered in little teeny comments! Do what you want, peeps. Except curse. No cursing. You know how I am! I’ll post the official answers tomorrow.

1 – Eavesdropping / Masquerade / Newspaper Editor / Poetry / Library
2 – Unlikely Hero / Egotism / Explosion / Space Travel / Mistaken Identity
3 – Sermon / Poignant / Gentle / Midlife Crisis / Revenge
4 – Kiss / Stage Play / Father Son Estrangement / Teen Movie / Ambulance (this one is for sheila, who is doing movie quotes at 1:30 tomorrow, but what? the ambulance is in the movie for about two seconds!)
5 – Arranged Marriage / Loss of Loved One / Cliff / Storyteller / Old Man
6 – Action Heroine / No Opening Credits / Asia / Martial Arts / Sword Fight
7 – College Football (ok, too easy) / Aspiration / Teen / Father Son Relationship / Family Relationships
8 – (writersblock can’t answer this one) Gymnastics / Bloopers During Credits / Championship / High School / Plagiarism
9 – Old Man / Stroke / 1940s (oh, come on!) / Christmas Tree / Alternative History
10 – Army / Germany / North Africa Campaign / Stars and Stripes / Historical
11 – 1960s / Arson / Battered Woman / Birthday Party / Candy Store
12 – Action Hero / Shoot / Explosion / Death / Gun
13 – Torture / Treaty / Male Rape (welcome, googlers) / Interrogation / Diplomacy (yeah, some of you were thinking Deliverance, weren’t you?)
14 – Gentle / Toast / Iron / Handicap / Bus
15 – Cartoon / Survivor / Good Versus Evil / Comic Book Shop / Crime Fighter
16 – Meteorite / Saving the World Mission / Psychologist / Gratuities / Misfit
17 – Group Vomit / Toupee / Language Barrier / Hidden Treasure / Class Differences
18 – Breasts / Gore / Marijuana / Disturbing / North Atlantic (wha?)
19 – Cinderella Story / Romance / Heroine / Fish out of Water / Teen
20 – (super easy one) Baseball / Famous Score / 1930s / Athlete / Baseball Bat
21 – First Love / Double Life / Editor / Newspaper / Pygmalion
22 – Court / Deux Ex Machina (what?) / Falsely Accused / Murder / On the Road
23 – Part of Trilogy / Good Versus Evil / Moral Ambiguity / Deep Focus / Famous Opening Theme
24 – Ex Girlfriend / Retirement Home / Male Female Relationship / Brother Sister Relationship (ew!) / Graduation
25 – Hope / 16th Century / Asia / Katana Sword / Showdown
26 – Thief / Remake / Hotel / Caper / Escapade
27 – Bronx New York / Lawyer / Mob Boss / Cop Killer / Gore
28 – Costume Party / Girl Next Door / Soccer (metric football) / Coming of Age / Shower Curtain
29 – Map / Oldies / Warrior / Extraterrestrial / Necktie
30 – Ethics / Camp / Lawyer / Beautiful Woman / Dam
31 – Famous Line / Death / Beretta / Action Hero / Explosions
32 – Spoof / Love / Outlaw / Sheriff / Mud Wrestling
33 – Arch Villain / Baltimore Maryland / Double Cross / Jamaica / Loss of Sister
34 – Cop / Sergeant / Disturbing / Irish American / Elephant Gun
35 – 1980s / Brothel / Gagged and Bound / Humor / Supernatural Powers (um… that looks really bad. It’s one of Frank’s, just so y’all know.)
36 – Time For Title / Badge / Real Time / Based On Magazine Article / Revenge
37 – Crushed Head / Male Nudity (ooh! that one must be mine!) / No Opening Credits / Tragic Hero / Brave
38 – Student Driver / Ballpark / Bumbling Hero / Unlikely Hero / Femme Fatale
39 – Narcolepsy / Anachronistic / Indian Music / No Opening Credits / True Love
40 – Trombone / Military Hospital / Peace Corps / Guilt / Elephant
41 – (another super-easy one for IMAO readers) Warfare / Brat Pack / Concentration Camp / Rocky Mountains / Communism
42 – Self Worth / 1980s / Fall From Tree / Telescope / Fire
43 – Cell Phone / Shoot / Soda Machine / Secret Agent / Car Crash
44 – Parenthood / Profanity (definitely Frank’s) / Tense / Crushed Head / Mission
45 – Pneumatic Tube / Funeral / Obscene Finger Gesture / Father Son Relationship / Masturbation Scene (i’m suddenly very embarrassed by our DVD shelves)
46 – Nose Pushed Into Brain / Drug Addict / Drug Addiction / Car Bomb / Stripper
47 – (gimme) Altering History / Teen Movie / California / Telephone Box / Telephone
48 – Interracial Kiss / Teen Movie / Young Director / Loser / Teenage Boy
49 – Latex / Action Heroine / Shot In The Chest / Hypodermic Needle / Vampire
50 – Reform / Tennessee Valley Authority / Treasure / Posse / Gunfire
Oh yeah. I forgot to tag people. I know some of y’all are gonna be mad at me, and I’m sorry, but here goes…
maggie katzen
emily@sk (because, you know, life-changing experiences make you want to do movie memes!)
(And no. I didn’t pick a bunch of people with adorable cats on purpose. There are some people in there whose cat status I don’t even know!)


  1. Just guesses, but here goes:
    2. Rocket Man
    4. Dead Poets Society
    6. Kill Bill
    7. Rudy
    9. It’s a Wonderful Life
    20. The Natural
    25. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
    26. Ocean’s Eleven
    31. Dirty Harry
    35. Sin City
    41. Red Dawn
    47. Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
    50. Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

  2. 12–anything with Aaahnold
    18 – Breasts / Gore / Marijuana / Disturbing / North Atlantic (wha?)–a Democratic convention in Boston?
    26–Ocean’s 11…and 12…and 13…and 14…and…
    41–Red Dawn?
    47–Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

  3. Boogs, correct on 46
    Chris: 7, 9, 20, 41, 47 are correct, and I’ll give you #50. Hahahahaha on #4, but no. And after seeing Sin City as a rental, um, no, we won’t be owning that, and it’s not the correct answer to #35. That was one of the worst movies I ever saw.
    Michael, correct on 37.
    BJP, I know, right? When I got #12’s keywords, I told Frank that could describe any action movie ever. But no. I’ll give you a hint: No Ahhhnold. 18 – hahahaha, no again. Yes to 37, 41, 47, 16, and 40.
    John, yes on 10, 16, and 34.

  4. I’m guessing–some of my favorites
    The Last Samarai
    Enter The Dragon
    Saving Private Ryan
    The Exorcist
    Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
    Up in Smoke (Cheech & Chong)
    Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom
    Second Hand Lions

  5. my guesses :
    2 – the last starfighter
    3 – the apostle
    7 – rudy
    8 – bring it on
    9 – it’s a wonderful life
    19 – the princess diaries
    21 – never been kissed
    25 – the last samuri
    26 – oceans eleven
    31 – dirty harry
    41 – red dawn
    47 – bill & ted
    50 – o’ brother

    1. Galaxy Quest
    2. Unbreakable (I’m probably in a tiny minority, but I actually think this is my favorite M. Night film)
    3. Moulin Rouge?
      hmm, those are the only ones that haven’t gotten that I can come up with reasonable guesses for off the top of my head. A couple others that seem familiar or that I think I know but can’t think of the title…
  6. Ok…if at first you don’t succeed…
    1 Natl Lamporn’s Frathouse
    2 Puss N Boots
    3 Get What You Pay For
    4 Wet X-Mas
    5 Confessions of a Teenage Peanut Butter Freak
    6 Love Airlines
    7 Deep Throat
    8 El Topo

  7. yay, do I win a prize for guessing your favorite movie (or, more accurately, guessing a movie which incidentally happens to be your favorite)? IMAO bonus points perhaps?
    ussjimmy, you’re a weird guy. you’re supposed to be guessing SarahK’s movies, not your own!

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