Movie Madness! UPDATED with answers and clues

Ok, I’m updating yesterdayThursday’s movie madness meme with those that have already been guessed as well as a quote from each movie that’s not been guessed as a hint. And again… NO CHEATING. NO GOOGLING. NO LOOKING ANYTHING UP. Those who either flat-out said, “I cheated,” or obviously cheated by listing out all 50 movies in order, complete with Chinese names of movies and everything — those comments got put into moderated status yesterday. The whole point of the game is thinking, not research. Sorry. Maybe sometime in the future, I’ll put up a research game and we can all play college freshmen. So here’s what the game is about again (movies are in the extended entry.)
I’ve been tagged by wRitErsbLock with a movie meme. Here are the rules, which I, of course, won’t follow. I don’t like rules.

Pick out ten favorite movies, then look them up at IMDb. In the overview at the top of each movie’s page, there are “Plot Keywords,” usually five of them. (Plus more, if you click the link.) Take the first five, and post them. Then the rest of us get to play movie buff and see if we can guess them.

Of course, instead of ten, since ten would take about two minutes for you smartypantses to get, Frank and I went through the movies together and picked out 50 off our DVD shelves (ok, I think we don’t own two on the list, but I reeeeally want #43). Here’s what I want your answer format to look like, because I am nothing if not bossy:

# – Name of movie – any other comments you may want to share about the movie. Go!

1 – Eavesdropping / Masquerade / Newspaper Editor / Poetry / Library – hint: “I would sell my grandmother for a drink – and you know how I love my grandmother.”
2 – Unlikely Hero / Egotism / Explosion / Space Travel / Mistaken Identity – Galaxy Quest
3 – Sermon / Poignant / Gentle / Midlife Crisis / Revenge – hint: “Oh it don’t make no kind of sense. Big old ox like Grady won’t sit next to a colored child. But he eats eggs — shoot right outta a chicken’s [pinkytoe]!”
4 – Kiss / Stage Play / Father Son Estrangement / Teen Movie / Ambulance (this one is for sheila, but what? the ambulance is in the movie for about two seconds!) – hint: “Are you trying to seduce me?” “Why… are you… seduceable?”
5 – Arranged Marriage / Loss of Loved One / Cliff / Storyteller / Old Man – hint: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
6 – Action Heroine / No Opening Credits / Asia / Martial Arts / Sword Fight – hint: “Gou? I hate that name. It makes me puke! Too bad you’re named Gou. You’ll be the first to feel my sword today.”
7 – College Football (ok, too easy) / Aspiration / Teen / Father Son Relationship / Family Relationships – Rudy
8 – (writersblock can’t answer this one) Gymnastics / Bloopers During Credits / Championship / High School / Plagiarism – Bring It On
9 – Old Man / Stroke / 1940s (oh, come on!) / Christmas Tree / Alternative History – It’s a Wonderful Life
10 – Army / Germany / North Africa Campaign / Stars and Stripes / Historical – Patton
11 – 1960s / Arson / Battered Woman / Birthday Party / Candy Store – hint: “Ah, good morning. Can I interest you in some n!pples of Venus?”
12 – Action Hero / Shoot / Explosion / Death / Gun – hint: “Hi, Mickey O’Brien, aqueduct security. We’ve had a report of a guy coming through here with, uh, eight reindeer.” [pause for killage] “Yeah, they said he was a jolly old fat guy with a snowy white beard. Cute little red and white suit. I’m surprised you didn’t see him.”
13 – Torture / Treaty / Male Rape (welcome, googlers) / Interrogation / Diplomacy (yeah, some of you were thinking Deliverance, weren’t you?) – Lawrence of Arabia
14 – Gentle / Toast / Iron / Handicap / Bus – hint: “How sick is she?” “She’s plenty sick.” “Oh. Because, you know, it seems to me that, aside from being a little mentally ill, she’s pretty normal.”
15 – Cartoon / Survivor / Good Versus Evil / Comic Book Shop / Crime Fighter – Unbreakable
16 – Meteorite / Saving the World Mission / Psychologist / Gratuities / Misfit – Armageddon
17 – Group Vomit / Toupee / Language Barrier / Hidden Treasure / Class Differences – The Goonies
18 – Breasts / Gore / Marijuana / Disturbing / North Atlantic (wha?) – hint: “That’s some bad hat, Harry.” hahaha, I had to put that in there for the House fans.
19 – Cinderella Story / Romance / Heroine / Fish out of Water / Teen – hint: “I’m not asking much. Just a token, really, a trifle! You’ll never even miss it. What I want from you is… your voice.”
20 – (super easy one) Baseball / Famous Score / 1930s / Athlete / Baseball Bat – The Natural
21 – First Love / Double Life / Editor / Newspaper / Pygmalion – Never Been Kissed
22 – Court / Deux Ex Machina (what?) / Falsely Accused / Murder / On the Road – hint: “I bought a suit. You seen it. Now it’s covered in mud. This town doesn’t have a one hour cleaner, so I had to buy a new suit. Except the only store you could buy a new suit in has got the flu. Got that? The whole store got the flu, so I had to get this in a second hand store. So it’s either wear the leather jacket–which I know you hate–or this. So I wore this ridiculous thing… for you.”
23 – Part of Trilogy / Good Versus Evil / Moral Ambiguity / Deep Focus / Famous Opening Theme – hint: “If you’re gonna shoot, shoot! Don’t talk!”
24 – Ex Girlfriend / Retirement Home / Male Female Relationship / Brother Sister Relationship (ew!) / Graduation – hint: “She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, and she gave me a… pen.”
25 – Hope / 16th Century / Asia / Katana Sword / Showdown – hint: “The farmers have won. Not us.”
26 – Thief / Remake / Hotel / Caper / Escapade – hint: “Here are just a few of the key ingredients: dynamite, pole vaulting, laughing gas, choppers… Can you see how incredible this is going to be?”
27 – Bronx New York / Lawyer / Mob Boss / Cop Killer / Gore – hint: “In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns.”
28 – Costume Party / Girl Next Door / Soccer (metric football) / Coming of Age / Shower Curtain – hint: “Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything.”
29 – Map / Oldies / Warrior / Extraterrestrial / Necktie – hint: “If it bleeds, we can kill it.”
30 – Ethics / Camp / Lawyer / Beautiful Woman / Dam – hint: “You think I’m licked. You all think I’m licked. Well, I’m not licked. And I’m going to stay right here and fight for this lost cause. Even if the room gets filled with lies like these, and the Taylors and all their armies come marching into this place.”
31 – Famous Line / Death / Beretta / Action Hero / Explosions – hint: “‘Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho.'”
32 – Spoof / Love / Outlaw / Sheriff / Mud Wrestling – hint: “Our last sheriff was a good organizer. Yellow clear through, but a good organizer.”
33 – Arch Villain / Baltimore Maryland / Double Cross / Jamaica / Loss of Sister – hint: “My dear girl, there are some things that just aren’t done, such as drinking Dom Perignon ’53 above the temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s just as bad as listening to the Beatles without earmuffs!” [Hey! I like the Beatles.]
34 – Cop / Sergeant / Disturbing / Irish American / Elephant Gun – Dirty Harry
35 – 1980s / Brothel / Gagged and Bound / Humor / Supernatural Powers (um… that looks really bad. It’s one of Frank’s, just so y’all know.) – hint: “Hey, I’m a reasonable guy. But I’ve just experienced some very unreasonable things.”
36 – Time For Title / Badge / Real Time / Based On Magazine Article / Revenge – hint: “People gotta talk themselves into law and order before they do anything about it. Maybe because down deep they don’t care. They just don’t care.”
37 – Crushed Head / Male Nudity (ooh! that one must be mine!) / No Opening Credits / Tragic Hero / Brave – Braveheart
38 – Student Driver / Ballpark / Bumbling Hero / Unlikely Hero / Femme Fatale – hint: “It’s a topsy-turvy world, and maybe the problems of two people don’t amount to a hill of beans. But this is our hill. And these are our beans!”
39 – Narcolepsy / Anachronistic / Indian Music / No Opening Credits / True Love – Moulin Rouge!
40 – Trombone / Military Hospital / Peace Corps / Guilt / Elephant – Airplane!
41 – (another super-easy one for IMAO readers) Warfare / Brat Pack / Concentration Camp / Rocky Mountains / Communism – Red Dawn
42 – Self Worth / 1980s / Fall From Tree / Telescope / Fire – hint: “Since you’re new here, I’m gonna cut you a break… today. So, why don’t you make like a tree… and get out of here.”
43 – Cell Phone / Shoot / Soda Machine / Secret Agent / Car Crash – hint: “Transportation is a precise business.”
44 – Parenthood / Profanity (definitely Frank’s) / Tense / Crushed Head / Mission – hint: “Not bad for a human.”
45 – Pneumatic Tube / Funeral / Obscene Finger Gesture / Father Son Relationship / Masturbation Scene (i’m suddenly very embarrassed by our DVD shelves) – Tommy Boy
46 – Nose Pushed Into Brain / Drug Addict / Drug Addiction / Car Bomb / Stripper – The Last Boy Scout
47 – (gimme) Altering History / Teen Movie / California / Telephone Box / Telephone – Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
48 – Interracial Kiss / Teen Movie / Young Director / Loser / Teenage Boy – hint: “You know, there’s like a buttload of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I’m pretty good with a bo staff.”
49 – Latex / Action Heroine / Shot In The Chest / Hypodermic Needle / Vampire – hint: “Lycans are allergic to silver. We have to get the bullets out quickly, or they end up dying on us during questioning.” “What happens to them afterward?” “We put the bullets back in.”
50 – Reform / Tennessee Valley Authority / Treasure / Posse / Gunfire – O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Bonus: New today!! 51 – Long Take / Suspense / Interracial Romance / Brother / Space Opera – hint: “If you can’t do somethin’ smart, do somethin’ right.” [Argh. This movie has way too many awesome quotes.]
I don’t think anyone I tagged actually did this yet, or ever will probably. Feel free to do this one on your blog and link this post so I can go play. I love these!


  1. #3 Fried Green Tomatoes
    #5 Princess Bride
    #19 The Little Mermaid
    #22 My Cousin Vinny
    #28 The Karate Kid
    #42 Back to the Future
    #43 The Transporter
    #48 Napolean Dynamite
    #49 Underworld
    Yay for quotes! If my husband were home, we could probably get all of these. He is the king of movie quotes. He can’t remember where he put his keys down, but he can remember the most obscure lines from a movie he watched 10 years ago! Or the layout of every hole on a golf course he played once!

  2. 12 – Action Hero / Shoot / Explosion / Death / Gun – hint: “Hi, Mickey O’Brien, aqueduct security. We’ve had a report of a guy coming through here with, uh, eight reindeer.” [pause for killage] “Yeah, they said he was a jolly old fat guy with a snowy white beard. Cute little red and white suit. I’m surprised you didn’t see him.”
    Die Hard III

  3. 4 – animal house
    5 – princess bride
    6 – crouching tiger / hidden dragon
    14 – benny and joon
    19 – the little mermaid
    22 – my cousin vinnie
    28 – karate kid
    32 – blazing saddles
    35 – army of darkness
    42 – back to the future
    43 – the transporter
    44 – aliens
    48 – napolian dynomite
    49 – underworld

  4. snarky – #3 FGT is correct. I LOVE Sipsey! yes on 5 (I was so SAD when no one got this one), yes on 19 (fish out of water, haha!), 22 yes, 28 yes (how did no one get Karate Kid from Costume Party / Shower Curtain?), 42 yes (I love how stupid Biff is. He can never get the cliches right.), 43 correct (yeah, what quote can you really come up with from that flick? it’s not about plot. it’s about excellent action and Jason Statham. i LOVE that dumb action flick.), yes on 48, yes on 49 (again, not a lot of obscure quotes, because it’s all about the shooting and swords).
    Squiboda, yes! I, too, was shocked that Serenity was not in the original list. We were talking to Frank’s sister about Adam Baldwin yesterday, and I told Frank that I couldn’t believe I left out Serenity, which is definitely one of my favorite movies. It’s because it’s not with the movies on the shelves. It’s with the TV DVDs, right next to the Firefly series. Just like X-Files: Fight the Future is right next to the X-Files TV DVDs.
    Michael R, yes on 18, 44 (i don’t know, how did you?), and 36.
    WAL, I’m afraid I’ll need the correct movie title on 12 Die Hard III… but you do have the correct movie… I am so demanding! I’ll also need the correct movie title on 27 Godfather I.
    WAL, you are correct on 5 (Inconceivable!), 31, 33, 35, 42.
    (BTW, I’ll accept answers without “The” at the beginning, but probably not “A”. You have to have the “A”. Goes along with my DVD alphabetization system, too. I am a sick woman.)

  5. Tristan, yes on 29 and 51.
    WAL, yes on 23.
    shane, you make me LOL every time you answer.
    4 – ROFL. NO! The answers on this one have been so funny. yes on 5, 6, 14 (yay! i’m so glad someone got that! i love that movie so much!), 19 (my all-time favorite Disney flick), 22, 28, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49.

  6. As an update:
    Still need #1, #4 (though I really hope y’all keep giving the hilarious answers you’re giving), #11, #25, #26 (another hint: this is a cult indy hit), #30, #32, #38 (someone got really close in the first post).

  7. snarky, hahaha. “I know you don’t think a white girl made that [stuff] up.” and you’re sooooo welcome!
    Watchman, YES on 11, 30, 32! I was starting to worry no one would get 11. I loved that movie and saw it in the theater with my female boss on Valentine’s Day. Everyone else in the theater were couples (all the men were dragged by their chicks, but we were in Austin on an out-of-town audit, so there were a lot of same-sex couples, too). And Linda–my boss–and I were quite sure that everyone thought we were lesbians. Yes, we had a lovely romantic dinner at Quiznos before the movie that evening. I don’t know why that movie-going experience has stuck out so prominently in my head. Probably because we both liked the movie so well and laughed all evening about being sure everyone assumed we were a couple. Plus, I loved that all the men in the theater really seemed to enjoy the movie. It’s a charming movie, I love it. I still haven’t been able to get Frank to watch it.

  8. Mickster, yes on 38! And since I don’t know the full name, I won’t be a stickler on it. I’m nothing if not inconsistent! And I’m surprised no one got it either, but someone else did already guess that it was Naked Gun 2 1/2, so they were close…
    Ouch, Francesco, I think you’re right on that. So you’re both right. The original clue is Back to the Future, but I think the quote is from BTTF Part II. Bad SarahK. Ding ding dings for both of you.

  9. Ok Sarah I’ve got one for you:
    Cellar, Facial Disfigurement, Grave Site, Spinster, Sergeant,
    Basement, Criminal, Dysfunctional Family, Elderly, Farce
    (hint) No, no. I’m not a Brewster. I’m the son of a sea-cook! Ha! Ha! Chaaaaarrrge!

  10. Ok Sarah I’ve got one for you:
    Cellar, Facial Disfigurement, Grave Site, Spinster, Sergeant,
    Basement, Criminal, Dysfunctional Family, Elderly, Farce
    (hint) No, no. I’m not a Brewster. I’m the son of a sea-cook! Ha! Ha! Chaaaaarrrge!

  11. Answer to Bonus:
    Serenity! Awesome movie! Awesome cancelled too quick by FOX for Joe Millionaire TV show Firefly!! Joss Whedon is my master now! Too many Exclamation points!!!

  12. Wait, no one got #1, “The Philadelphia Story?” That’s a classic! Jimmy Stewart said that to Cary Grant, near the end, just before the wedding. Unless that was also used in the Bing Crosby/Grace Kelly/Frank Sinatra version, which was a really irritating dime-store rip-off (akak “High Society”). But I’m assuming you mean “The Philadelphia Story.”

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