
To match current trends, all IMAO posts will now be followed by a Spanish translation. Thank you for your continued support of this site.
Para emparejar tendencias de la corriente, todos los postes de IMAO ahora serán seguidos por una traducción española. Gracias por su ayuda continuada de este sitio.

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  1. Welcome to the Estados Unidos De Notre Mexico. Will all the gringos please report to the INS for re-registration of citizen status. Then, the BATF to have their firearms donated to Amnesty Aliens to help in the Reconquista campaign. Those not in compliance will be shipped to our nations capital in Mexico Shity for field labor camps. Seems there’s a huge vacuum created by the northern migration of that sisters-states former residents.
    WTF! You think I’m kidding here?

  2. Gracias por cambiar éste sitio Francisquita, para mostrar que tu nos amas a nosotros, los latinos tal como a los gringos guapos.
    Tu es una buena niñita y muy fea también
    Vamos a reproducir como los conejos 😉

  3. I used to think my grandparents had lost their perspective. I see now that they didn’t leave it behind, it left them.
    This nation is poised on the brink of disaster. Name me one country with Spanish influence that has a decent standard of living, recognizes and values human rights and continues to grow, economically and culturally (not to mention inside plumbing, and not socialistic). Just one:(

  4. I can’t type po-russkiy on my computer, Micheal, but I could see why you’re failing the class.
    I speak Russian – (Ya) govoryu po-russkiy.
    Russian language – Russkiy Yazik.
    It’s not correct to say po-russkiy yazik.
    (I’m a former Russian linguist that was in the Navy, and I’m a bit of a nerd. I also refuse to learn/speak Spanish!)

  5. @Anna V.
    It also helps not being inebriated while typing such comments.
    If you are using a computer with XP, you can switch your keyboard input to different alphabets through control panel.

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