Now I’m Going to Miss Her

When Rosie O’Donnell leaves The View, who is going to inform us about such things as the Giuliani/China 9/11 Conspiracy? It certainly won’t be for, as you all know, I’m just not that creative.
It’s nice to see that Hasselbeck did some research since the last time this was brought up. I hope she stays true to her threat to get the Popular Mechanics guys on the show for The Big National 9/11 Conspiracy Debate (featuring Rosie O’Donnell). After they figure out whether the U.S. government bombed itself and framed Saudis to get us into an illegal war with Iraq, they can explore whether the Holocaust actually happened or did the Jews kill themselves and framed the Germans to get us into an illegal war with Japan.


  1. Mattyg, links please. I refuse to believe that half of American children are below average.
    I would guess that no more than a quarter are below average. Probably more like 1/10th.
    Oh, and First!

  2. Veeshir, by definition, half of everybody you know is below average. The point Matty G needs to bring out is below whose average? The average Asian student or the average third world student.

  3. How could you possibly miss her? Since I’m reasonably certain she generates her own gravity, even poorly aimed shots should deflect directly into her physical center of mass.

  4. Actually Elisabeth shows that the Bill O’Reilly method of debating these nuts (“You’re a kook and you have crazy theories that I’m not going to debate.”) is safer. I mean, the volcanic pressure caused WTC-7 to come down? I’ve been debunking the nutbars for a year, and that’s the first time I heard that one. She’s closer to the truth than Rosie, but that’s not saying much.

  5. On occasion I’ve accidently paused the remote, inadvertantly gazed upon the likes of Rosie, and Roseanne. It was a difficult decision deciding to shoot the TV, or gouge my own eyes out.
    How do you like my braille typing?
    Both are putrid forms of the finer sex!

  6. …they can explore whether the Holocaust actually happened or did the Jews kill themselves and framed the Germans to get us into an illegal war with Japan.

    I always knew there was something fishy about that whole Holocaust story! Finally, an explanation that makes sense.

  7. I read somewhere that they are negotiating with this hag to give her a show of her own! Kind of tells you all you need to know about the three (former major) networks that they would even talk with this smelly piece of shit!

  8. I think that Rosie and the chicks from the view planned 9/11 to give themselves something else to carp about. Ratings, Ratings, Ratings, some people will do anything for ratings.
    They are also responsible for Global Warming, teen pregnancy, Sun Spots and American Idol. Curse them!

  9. Rosie’s a traitorous hag whose excuse for her actions will eventually be that Bush drove her to insanity and caused her to be completely stupid and morally bereft.just watch it happen.

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