One of Those “Why Didn’t *I* Think of That?” Moments

Carbon Debits – a service that kills trees to offset carbon offsets.
[Hat tip: Graumagus of Frizzen Sparks]


  1. Now, if you sell the Carbon Debits to Third World countries, then you can sell the Carbon Offsets to the First World countries.
    Sit back, and retire while doing nothing more than selling.
    That sounds like a real system-much better than a Pyramid Scheme!

  2. This has given me an idea.
    My wife and doctor have been after me to lose weight. Instead I am going to start a calorie offset program. If I can convince at least 3 people to give up one complete meal a day then I can eat all that I want. A bonus would be if I can get one person to stop eating entirely then I am home free!

  3. This a little, well a lot late, but Derek has inspired me to offer up my plan to offset peoples farts. Send me money and I will fart for you. I’ve a talent for that, and I need money, and with Bad Example-This Blog Is Full Of Crap tie-ins Uncle Doh is soon to be a millionaire.

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