The End of an Era and the Effects on Those with Dumb Monkey Faces

He’s all they know.

Despite it being about a year and a half away, liberals are already freaking out over the fact that President Bush will be out of office in January 2009. Yesterday, the most commented on diary (over 750 comments at last check) at The Daily Kos was about the possibility that President Bush will refuse to leave office and round everyone up into camps. This is the liberals greatest hope, because, for them, life without Bush is completely unimaginable.
As I detailed some time ago, many liberals now lack a coherent political philosophy and instead have centered all their beliefs around President Bush. When President Bush leaves office, they will no longer know what to think. They will be able to salvage some semblance of their belief system if a Republican is elected, but they will be devastated if a Democrat become President. They probably won’t even know whether to still protest the war, because what would be the point in stopping it now that President Bush is gone? In a life centered around President Bush, there would be no point to that activity whatsoever.
Maybe they will move on to heckling the civilian George Bush, but then they’ll see the political world move on without them. Didn’t the hatred against President Bush have something to do with politics? Liberals are so far gone now they probably can’t remember. Without President Bush, they’ll be like new born babes, having to rebuild a system of thought from scratch while smelling of poo. I’d expect sites like The Daily Kos to actually shut down amidst the confusion as they’ll probably turn on each other like savage animals as they no longer have a single entity to direct their hate against and give purpose to their pathetic lives.
Whatever the result, it will certainly give plenty of fodder to psychologist writing research papers. And if we can ever figure out exactly how a mediocre President could elicit such hatred, perhaps it can be used against our enemies (for any liberals reading this, “enemies” refers to terrorists and not Bush and friends).


  1. Excellent analysis, Frank! Giving Bush a rating of mediocre, however seems a bit strong in light of recent statements that those of us that oppose the “immigration reform” bill are somehow “Un-American”! I just want him to secure the damn border and keep the dirty Mexicans out of the south and the gay Canadians out from the North! Is that too hard?

  2. I’d expect sites like The Daily Kos to actually shut down amidst the confusion as they’ll probably turn on each other like savage animals as they no longer have a single entity to direct their hate against and give purpose to their pathetic lives.
    Especially once they lose the 2008 elections.
    But don’t fret; if they can link Rove to Satan and Bush to Hitler, they’ll link Fred Thompson/Duncan Hunter/Mitt Romeny/whoever the Republican candidate will be with Bush.

  3. Well, lefties always wondered why we hated Bill Clinton so much, what with NAFTA, welfare reform, a balanced budget, support for regime change in Iraq, and so on.
    Short answer: that’s all nice, but there was the blaming us for Oklahoma City and then lecturing us on the politics of personal destruction thing.

  4. Lefties, if given the chance will always hate their way into a dictatorship or at least Hildabeast socialism, and they got a big bad hate going on. Do ya think President Rodham will stop with rubber bullets when we doth protest too much?

  5. Nah, they’re just loopy and will move on to someone else other than Pres.Bush. The sad thing is that when they get out of HighSchool or college, they’ll just contaminate the gene pool and make the next generation a little dumber.
    “Blind stupidity and hate has no logic or thought. At least the most they’ll do with their lives is ask you if you want your burger medium or well-done…”

  6. This reminds me of a scene from the movie “Conspiracy”, which is all about The Wannsee Conference where the Nazis came up with The Final Solution.
    In the scene, Heydrich (Kenneth Branagh) tells Eichmann (Stanley Tucci) the story of a man with a mother he loved dearly and an abusive father whom he despised his whole life.
    When the man’s mother dies, he finds himself strangely unmoved. Years later, when the man’s father dies, he is overwhelmed with grief, and weeps bitterly.
    Eichmann is puzzled. Heydrich explains. “You see, when his father died, his whole reason for being, his hatred for his father, was gone.”
    This tale was told to Heydrich earlier in the film by another conference attendee, who was concerned that hatred of the Jews would become the all-consuming raison d’etre of The Third Reich.
    As Eichmann ponders this, Heydrich says dismissively: “Frankly, I shall not miss them.”
    One can only assume the Nazis would have found others to hate, and so too the Kos Kids.

  7. Our unesteemed collegues on the lift will simply default their hatred to the next highest republican or to Rush Limbaugh. So long as people exist who are not one of them and refuse to life in a position of submission to liberal “values” then they will have someone to hate. They share much with islamofacists in that regard.

  8. Actually, they’ll continue to blame ANY bad news on the policies of George Bush and lingering effects of his evil.
    That’s the beauty of this system – anything that goes RIGHT is because of the heroic actions of brave Democrats while anything that goes WRONG will be the fault of Bush…Even fifty years hence, they’ll be talking about ‘the long term effects of the worst president EVER.’
    Insanity can ALWAYS justify itself.

  9. Re: Patrick Carroll 12:15
    I remember hearing similar consternation about Clinton, but my ‘exotic’ media choice at the time was whacko shortwave radio. WWCR out of Nashville had some really prize hosts.
    Now I enjoy the wonders of The Intertubes!

  10. Do you think that the Prez will trash the White House when he leaves? Nah, Barbara would slap him silly if he did that. Hey, I’ve got an idea what’ll he’ll do..Nah, won’t work unless..
    Going now to find my extra “W” keys to give back to Prez Obama (God help me I live in IL-IN-Noise).

  11. What everyone seems to forget is that, in recent history, only one politician tried to cancel the election for his successor (he was term limited) and stay in office.
    That was…
    New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani in 2001!

  12. I’m old enough to remember Nixon, prior to Bush the most hated President ever. After RN resigned, those who despised him found they had … absolutely … nothing to do. They (we) were reduced to performing boring tasks such as getting married, having kids, getting jobs, buying homes, and in general becoming productive members of society. Those who didn’t were forced to take up fringe causes like the rights of prisoners (seriously). I predict that, post-Bush, those who dwell in the fever swamp will find themselves equally marginalized. The rest of us will laugh and get on with our lives.

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