With Apologies to JK Rowling

With the imminent release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, author J.K. Rowling has requested that people refrain from leaking any spoilers.
Sorry, lady, but I need the site traffic.

10) Harry learns “visio correcto” spell and ditches those stupid Birth Control glasses.
9) Hogwarts Alumnus Day guest of honor – Gandalf!
8) Harry is shamed with a lifetime ban for betting on quidditch.
7) Snape and Hagrid – oh yes they are!
6) Final battle against Voldemort cancelled when Democrats vote to pull funding.
5) It’s all a dream. Harry wakes up in his mother’s basement to discover that he’s just a 35-year-old nerd who nodded off during a game of D&D.
4) Malfoy and the Sorting Hat – oh yes they did!
3) Dumbledore only MOSTLY dead – revived by Miracle Max.
2) Voldemort is the name of Harry’s sled.
and the #1 spoiler for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

1) Hermione is a DUDE!


  1. These “spoilers” bear very little relation to the actual Harry Potter book series. One of the characters mentioned is from another set works by a completely different author. A political party is mentioned which is not even British, but American.
    I am beginning to wonder if this was a serious literary critique, or merely a shameful ploy to attract advertising page views and clicks.

  2. I’m still wondering how the author is going to continue the constant slope of the series’ “Stick it to the man” curve. They’ve already scoffed and trampled the silliness of school rules, laws and authority in general. The only thing left is to have harry create a doomsday spell and blow up the universe. That oughtta show that stuffy old creator and his outmoded existence-ist dogma. Life is for squares.

  3. I hate (HATE) to have to be a tad nerdy here, but it’s Voldemort. With an ‘o.’
    And I totally second Wacky Hermit’s suggestion. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

  4. Harvey (if that’s your real name), I would never stoop so low as to question your integrity, at least, not out loud.
    Clearly, however, this article is intended only for its humor value, and not to instruct your many readers in the subtleties of these great works of literature. It seems to fit the pattern of this site, which is showing early signs of excessive satiricism.
    One even sees ‘LOL’ and ‘LMAO@IMAO’ in the commentary, hardly the sort of discussion one would like to see. So while I don’t question your integrity, really, this site-wide drift into comedic expression may indicate some kind of intentional direction by the site’s leadership.
    Perhaps it’s a reaction to the self-righteous arrogance of this ‘Aquaman’ fellow?

  5. 1) Hermione is a DUDE!


    I met her in a club down in old soho
    Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola
    C-o-l-a cola
    She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
    I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said lola
    L-o-l-a lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

  6. 1) Hermione is a DUDE!


    I met her in a club down in old soho
    Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola
    C-o-l-a cola
    She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
    I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said lola
    L-o-l-a lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

  7. 5) It’s all a dream. Harry wakes up in his mother’s basement to discover that he’s just a 35-year-old nerd who nodded off during a game of D&D.
    HA!! I knew I should have brought more espresso to the game! Where the hell are my glasses?

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