A Skiffing of Fred Thompson’s Post

Fred Thompson just blogged about immigration and Cuba, and his post is so awesome I thought I’d skif it (the reverse of fisking):

This has been a good day for America.

I’ve been a bit tired today, but otherwise it’s been pretty awesome.

For a while, it didn’t look like Washington was going to listen to us regarding real immigration reform.

Isn’t cool how he says “us.” Because he is one of us… but even better.

Thankfully, we’ve been spared a serious mistake, but I wonder if things would have turned out the way they did without the work done by the bloggers, talk radio and the American people.

He’s thanking me, a blogger (also, I’m an American people). It’s nice when politicians thank others.

Rush, Hannity, Laura Ingraham, RedState, Powerline, Pajamas Media and a lot of others have done a great job.

I’m part of Pajamas Media! I got thanked again! Isn’t it nice how Fred Thompson doesn’t ignore us like certain Republican Senators.

Take that, Fairness Doctrine.

No squelching of freedom of speech under President Freedom Thompson.

I’m up in New Hampshire today. Met some great people and got to help the state GOP up in the Granite State. I did want to clarify something coming out of my time yesterday in Columbia, South Carolina.

He speaks so clearly, yet he still likes to clarify. You always know what Fred Thompson is saying.

Anybody who knows my track record or has read some of the things I’ve written about the Cuban-American community knows where I stand. While the communist dictatorship has been a tragedy for Cuba, America has been in some ways, at least, the beneficiary.

We do know where Fred Thompson stands; that’s part of why he’s so awesome.

One of those benefits is the presence of the great Cuban-American artist, Gloria Estefan. She co-wrote a song called “No hay mal que por bien no venga” which I understand translates something like — there’s no bad that doesn’t bring some good. The bad that is Castro’s tyranny has given America one of the greatest communities in the Western Hemisphere.

Because America is awesome. We take what Castro made bad and make it super awesome.

And no one knows better than that community that the Castro regime remains dedicated to infiltrating American institutions to spread his ideology of tyranny. Castro admitted it himself in an interview with CNN in 1998.

It’s great to have a leader still on the lookout for Commies trying to infiltrate our country. Just because we have terrorists to deal with, that doesn’t meant the Communist threat is gone. Fred Thompson understands that.

This is why the Cuban government rightfully remains on the State Department’s terrorist list for its continued support of terrorism. It’s also why we must oppose the illegal immigration of Castro’s agents into the United States while welcoming the vast majority who immigrate legally and with legal intentions.

And he brings it right back to terrorism and illegal immigration and its difference from legal immigration. Fred Thompson knows what are the important issues.

It seems to me that few Americans understand the threat that the illegal entry by Cuban spies represents to our country, though Cuban-Americans have never forgotten or stopped pointing it out. Ambassador Otto Reich, the former Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere has called Castro’s efforts to penetrate U.S. intelligence networks “relentless.”

Few Americans — including Fred Thompson. You can’t get anything past him.

The best-known incident involving Cuban espionage, which many believe may have provided U.S. secrets to hostile Middle Eastern regimes, is probably that of former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst Ana Belen Montes — convicted of espionage in 2002. Now, our intelligence picture has been further complicated by the emergence of oil-funded Hugo Chavez and his anti-American, pro-Castro regime. We know that Cuban intelligence officers, for instance, are in South America — presumably training Venezuelans and others in the intelligence arts.

He’s going to protect our secrets and keep an eye on the little Venezuelan thug — all while thwarting Islamic terrorists. Beats the promise of socialized health care from the Democrats, huh?

Our national security is too important an issue to let folks twist words around for a one-day headline. Cuban-Americans are among the staunchest opponents of illegal immigration, and especially so when it’s sponsored by the Castro regime. We know we have a porous southern border in which they can currently slip through easily. Our enemies know it too.

Back to border security and poking holes in the idea that we have to give in to illegal immigration to pander to Hispanics.

All of us should be rightfully concerned about Castro and his ideological pal Chavez sending agents and provocateurs into the United States through Mexico. I’m sure that Cuban-Americans share this concern as well.

Most importantly, it’s Fred Thompson’s concern, so we know it something is going to be done about it.

We’ve seen today what the voice of the people can do in Washington. Let’s hope similar voices can do the same thing for Cuba.

That’s right! We brought down the shamnesty bill, so now let’s bring down the Communist regime in Cuba! With Freedom Thompson behind us, I think it’s finally going to happen.


  1. “One of those benefits is the presence of the great Cuban-American artist, Gloria Estefan.”
    Frank was reading this aloud to me while I cooked. This is the point at which I almost ruined our dinner and puked in the food I was making. This is also the point at which I started reconsidering Fred Thompson for president. GLORIA ESTEFAN IS A SCOURGE ON AMERICA, IF FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN GLORIA ESTEFAN NIGHT ON AMERICAN IDOL EVERY YEAR! I HAVE TO SNARK THAT, BUT I’M TOO WEAK FROM THROWING UP ALL NIGHT TO TYPE! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT DOES TO A SNARKER, SENATOR? DO YOU? Ok, I’m sorry I yelled at you. I just needed to let you know the severity of the Gloria Estefan situation in this country.
    I also thought that quoting a Gloria Estefan song to clarify a misunderstanding to the Cuban-American community was blatant pandering. It’s the first time Fred’s really come across as a politician to me.
    So we’re clear? Gloria Estefan night on American Idol = not good.

  2. Isn’t it a shame that common sense sounds so extraordinary. But I like the skif’n. I mean, Fred clarified his own remark and then you clarified it some more for me. That’s a lot of clarification. I don’t think I’m gonna have to put chemicals in my pool for a week. I am also glad I did not eat at your house last night. I’ll bet your going to worry every night now when you eat as to what sarahk has been reading before fixing your supper. Avoid the stew, especially if it has tacos floating in it.

  3. I was having to explain to the ninth grade son of a friend of mine today that Animal Farm wasnt an stupid book and that it was really a story about communisim. Then I had to explain what communists were and why they were bad.
    Thank God that Fred Thompson still understands this and is willing to point out the fact that commies want to kill us in our sleep and use our skins as lamp shades.

  4. You can unwad your panties sarahK. That wasn’t Gloria Estefan on “american idol”. That was another hispanic actress.
    Now, don’t you feel better? Have a mojito. Budda told me to tell you.

  5. You can unwad your panties sarahK. That wasn’t Gloria Estefan on “american idol”. That was another hispanic actress.
    Now, don’t you feel better? Have a mojito. Budda told me to tell you.

  6. Frank, dude, your glorification of Fred is COMPLETELY understandable…but you got to get your head out of his back end, buddy, that can’t be comfortable for him. Just be happy that he’s going to punch the hippys and make demoncraps cry.

  7. After listening to morons in the Senate for the past two weeks it’s nice to hear a super-magnum-candidate like Mr. Fred Thompson who makes the rest of these pricks look and sound like punks and sissies!
    Consider Fred Thompson and then little Miss Lindsay Graham, nuff said…

  8. LOL. It’s funny how he tries to make wimpy Cuba into some kind of big threat. We know Fred Thompson as president would allow companies to spew cancer causing chemicals into the air like crazy so he won’t be using global warming or pollution as a scare tactic. So he will try to scare Americans with this puny Cuba threat. If we remove Castro’s government we are going to have tons of expensive immigrants to deal with. They are all going to move to Florida and become homeless when a Katrina-like storm hits that state because of global warming. Is that really what we need – millions of homeless Cubans to take of that just moved here to the U.S. because of Fred Thompson’s ridiculous foreign policy?
    Watch Thompson’s support from the bank lobbyists and big business. That’s what made Bush go crazy about supporting illegal immigration. It’s all about creating an underclass — cheap labor for giant international companies — and screwing over the U.S. middle class. Big business wants the cheap labor and the banks want to charge them banking fees and credit card fees. That what’s up with those GOP members that would have voted for the amnesty bill. The leftists are out to lunch on immigration for different reasons. But the leftists are wrong because the U.S. is already overcrowded and also bankrupt thanks to Bush and the Iraq War — we can’t afford to service any more people. We can’t even take care of the people that already live here legally.
    P.S. At least Fred doesn’t strap his pet dog on top of his car during family vacations.

  9. Yo. They had Gloria Estefan night before, and then they had to have Latin night this year with J-Lo because there aren’t enough good J-Lo songs to have a whole J-Lo night, so what did everyone sing? Gloria Estefan. She’s a scourge. A SCOURGE! Do not argue with me. I don’t know which is worse, GE night or Stevie Wonder night. It’s a close race. If FDT says that Stevie Wonder is the best thing to happen to blind people and pianos, ever, I’m writing in Mickey Mouse. I AM!
    _Jon, you shut up, or I’ll puke on your food.

  10. What’s a “Cuban-American”? Either you’re an American or you’re Cuban. If you’re so proud of the crappy country you escaped from then please go back…others, who actually want to be Americans, will gladly take your place.

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