A Thought

After so many Republican Senators have turned on us with the amnesty bill, maybe it’s time we stopped approaching this in such a simplistic manner and instead ask ourselves, “Why do they hate us?”


  1. Why do they hate us? Because we’re getting too uppity and stuff. Why, we actually expect them to listen to us!!!
    Over the last couple decades we’ve forgotten our place in the scheme of things. Our job is to pony up tax money and vote for the people we’re told to vote for.
    And to shut the heck up.

  2. I heard Kit Bond (R-MO) yesterday on Hannity after Bond voted FOR cloture! He said he did it because he wants to “get to the debate” and because he wants to get his ammendment in. Hannity pointed out that his ammendment has no chance..he didn’t care. Hannity pointed out that this was a chance to kill the bill. He didn’t care. The guy was/is a complete idiot..he almost slobbered on some of the answers.
    I think we need to go down to WASHDC and kick some people on OUR side of the fence in the balls and shoot some of those on the other side of it. The political class has completely lost their understanding of our demands and of their duties. It’s almost time for a revolution!

  3. I think we need to go down to WASHDC and kick some people on OUR side of the fence in the balls
    Can’t be done. The folks who need to have their balls kicked don’t have any balls.

  4. It is past time for Federal Term Limits.
    We need to get rid of the fossils that think they are better than the rest of us.
    A reasonable ten years total of Federal office holding-then out on their kesters.

  5. THAT IS TRUE! So what’s left?…kick them in their face?…boobs?…asses ain’t good enough. Maybe just shoot ’em all and start over. On balance, that would be the best plan. Kennedy first, Specter second, Graham next…take time out and just hang Reid…etc.

  6. What can we do to REALLY hurt these assholes?…I mean shake them up to the bottom of their dirty socks. I don’t wanna wait for an election. I want these pricks wishing they were dead NOW!
    Lots of us are looking for an answer to this. This is a dangerous time…the wrong leader promising the right stuff could be a major problem. But we gotta!! do something effective and we can’t wait for 2008….2010…2012. We need action now.

  7. Bonanza –
    How about we send them for an all-expenses-paid visit to an Indian casino, but we don’t tell them that the transportation is a bus, and that Teddy Kennedy is driving?

  8. You want to hurt em? Here is one way.
    First realize what matters to em, cash money. Both Democrats and Republicans are pissed over the Amesty bill so we have a perfect opportunity to get their attention without just cutting off our noses to spite our face.
    Make bipartisanship work for a change. Conservative websites partner up with a loony left site and recruit members from their readers who have a known record of contributing to their party or party’s officeholders who are supporting this crap in defiance of their voters.
    Tnen match users from each site together. Together they work out a letter they can BOTH sign and send to BOTH parties saying they pledge to withhold financial support throughout the ’08 cycle to both party machines, individual congresscritters who vote for this bill and any candidates for public office endorsing it.
    Carefully match up the donor pairs such that both are in the district of an appropiate congresscritter so that one isn’t just making an idle boast.

  9. Hannity had that crybabby dolt Vointvitch (?sp) on today. The sumbitch (rhymes with Voinavitch):
    1.)Didn’t know what the fairness doctrine was/is
    2.)Thought K. B. Hutchison’s ammendment to the immigration bill requireing illegs to go home before getting amnesty passed…it failed!
    3.)Has never read the bill
    4.)Has never seen a cost analysis of it
    5.)Tried to overtalk Hannity every time there was a relevent question
    6.)Hung up when he couldn’t get by with wind and lies.
    When, oh when, are we gonna get REALLY tired of these assholes….Lott last week, Bond yesterday and Assholeavitch today…and just go down to WASHDC and run their tired and incompetant butts outa town on a rail…after tar and feathering them…seriously!

  10. In honor of our Patriots from the late 1700’s Whom electing any Kennedy into office dishonors, we can go to Boston and have a Boston Scotch Party. Just hijack the booze ship, dump it all in the harbor, and hit Great Red Whale Ted Kennedy where it really hurts.

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