Attention! Attention! Girl speaking! Girl speaking!

Pretty girl at that. Ok, so guess what premieres tonight! Hey, Pauler! Oh, YES, I will be liveblogging this over at mountaineer musings (scroll down for content if you still haven’t learned to use Firefox, or if your company really hates internet security and still makes you use Internet Explorer — I know about the bug but haven’t fixed it yet).
Also, in case you’re missing the flamewar going on between Rachel Lucas and me, that chick had the NERVE to claim that her dog Sunny (who is cute and doesn’t look anything like ’70s shag carpet) is cuter than Rowdi (ok, maybe I started it just a little in her comments, but she’s the one that challenged me to the GIRLFIGHT!
Pictures of Sunny’s butt. No wait, her face.
The cutest puppy in the whole wide world.
Rachel thinks she can win with puppy pictures.
Which only made Rowdi hungry.
Keep tuning in for more. It’ll only get better.


  1. If using Key Encrypting certs, and you happen to have a character in your password like or ® it will not work in firefox. The software cannot handle those characters.
    I just use Symantec for my browser security. Works liek a champ.

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