Daily Fred Thompson Fact

One lazy afternoon, Fred Thompson felt like whittling. The result: Mount Rushmore.

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  1. One day Fred Thompson felt like being president. The result: A bruising primary that handed the Democrats all the talking points they needed, and an electorate that had stopped watching “Law and Order” years ago handing The White House to the Clintons.

  2. bunkerboy, you’ve got it backwards. One day Fred felt like being President. The result – a popular movement to get rid of the 22nd Amendment and allow Fred to serve as many terms as he wanted.

  3. Okay, all the mythic Fred Thompson BS aside, has anyone on this site taken a good look at him lately? He LOOKS like a sick man. He LOOKS like he has cancer. And standing next to his 40-year-old trophy wife just makes it all the more striking.
    Yeah, sure he has an indolent, non-life-threatening form of The Big C, sure it can be managed with drugs, but that’s not what people are gonna think when they see him. They’re gonna think of two words: Paul Tsongas.

  4. “And standing next to his 40-year-old trophy wife just makes it all the more striking.”
    bunkerboy, come on, “40-year-old” and “trophy wife” are not words that go together.
    And Fred Thompson would have bitch slapped Paul Tsongas if he had ever dared compare himself to him to his face.

  5. One day Fred Thompson was reading IMAO and he came upon a bunkerboy post…from now on he shall be referred to as bunkerbitch…
    Posted by: ussjimmycarter on June 2, 2007 07:46 PM
    LOL!! Okay, I love that!! Best troll whuppin’ EVER!!! bunkerbitch got ‘pwnd’

  6. Oh, I get it. Take one step off the groupthink reservation and you’re a troll. Try to point out why a guy can’t win (and sorry, folks, I know how much fun you’re having with the DFTFs but the guy doesn’t have a prayer) and you’re a bitch. And this from a guy who proudly served on the gayest ship in the Navy.
    Meanwhile, I don’t see anyone refuting my claims. If you honestly think America will vote for a sickly looking man with lymphoma, then explain why. If you honestly think America wants a First Lady with her tits hanging out, then explain why. Okay, maybe that one doesn’t need much explaining…

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