Daily Fred Thompson Fact

In 1994, Democrat Jim Cooper nearly came within twenty points of beating Fred Thompson in an election. Fred Thompson ripped out Cooper’s still beating heart for that audacity. Hopefully the Democratic nominee for President in 2008 will be wiser.


  1. 2 OT comments, but I don’t think Fred! will mind.
    First, where is Laurence Simon and what have you done with him? Did you trade him in some hostage release we don’t know about? Did the cats finally eat him? Did Rowdi eat him? Did he tick off SarahK and is now well ventilated with .45 inch holes? Enquiring minds want to know.
    Second, Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul sucks.
    Sorry, I’m bored.

  2. Fred Thompson will need to come up with a new strategy on this one. Hillary has no beating heart and shows no reflection in a mirror. Ripping the heart out is only a first step from what I understand (I’ve seen most movies on the subject) and Fred Thompson will need to stab the heart with a wooden stake to make certain that the evil is sent forever to Hell! I hope Fred Thompson knows this and that he doesn’t stare into those eyes or get bitten–he will become one of her evil minions forever!!!

  3. But here’s the thing. Everyone’s in agreement that Fred’s a real gentleman. All his ex-girlfriends dote on him. Hillary’s an aberration (in oh so many ways), but …
    What happens if Silky Pony was to win the nomination? Could Fred bring himself to rip the very living heart out of Mrs. Edwards and hold it aloft in triumph, while John hides behind her?
    I mean, she’s got terminal cancer and has two X chromosomes. How mean would that look?

  4. Hmmmmmmmm, wRitErsbLock comments and she is not dancing on Laurences “grave” after Veeshirs question? JK. She commented on Laurences last post if I remember right. Oh, Franco and Falwell are still dead.

  5. Me again, and still not funny, but I commented on RWD’s blog recently before seeing that the post was months old. I trust he is well and just not blogging, but an update on his status would also be greatly appreciated.

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