Frank Advice on RNC Telemarketing

Mary Katharine (Superstar!) Ham has a transcript of a phone call her friend got from the RNC asking for donations. It makes it easy to see why the Republican Party is losing donations now. I think they can raise money just fine, though; the telemarketers just have to be smart about what to say to the Republicans they call:
RNC: Hi. This is the Republican National Committee calling to get your donations to help fight evil and the Democrats.
Callee: I’m not giving you guys any money. You support illegal immigrants and call me a dumb racist for complaining.
RNC: That’s not true at all. Where are you getting such ideas?
Callee: Blogs.
RNC: (laughs) Blogs? You can’t trust those. They’re all written by drugged out pedophiles.
Callee: Really?
RNC: Yes. Every single one.
Callee: Well… it still seems like the Republican Party doesn’t even like Republican voters anymore. You ignore our concerns and make fun of us.
RNC: That’s not us. The ones supporting illegal immigration and insulting you are the Republicons — spelled with an ‘o’. They’re the ones that hate Republican voters. We’re the Republicans — spelled with an ‘a’. We still like Republican voters. The Republicons are out to deceive you about us, though.
Callee: Like the Decepticons!
RNC: Um… yes, exactly like that. So that’s why to stop the… um… Decepticons, you have to give money to us, the… um…
Callee: Autobots!
RNC: Yes. Now you understand.
Callee: So who is Optimus Prime? Is it Fred Thompson?
RNC: Um… yeah, why not.
Callee: If I give you money, will it go to him?
RNC: Um… sure! That’s exactly who it will go to. Now go fetch a credit card.
Callee: Will this be tax deductible?
RNC: If you try and deduct it from your taxes, I won’t stop you.
See, they can still get contributions; it’s all about the telemarketers knowing how to handle the voters’ concerns. So, RNC, if you want help, I can be a consultant for you if you pay me big cash money… and I only accept payments in the form of canvas bags full of money with a big dollar sign printed on the front.


  1. I got one of these calls last night. I told the girl, very politely how I felt about the illegal immigration situation. Well, fairly politely. Okay, I wasn’t rude. Blunt, maybe… Anyway, the point was not to expect a dime from me until the GOP grew a spine (after all, if France could do it, so could the GOP) She started laughing and couldn’t stop. I guess they have to keep them on happy gas to do the job these days.

  2. I don’t understand the thinking behind the Bush Presidency. Is he thinking Reagan got his legacy from the one time amnesty? I am not giving a dime to any of the Republic(ans)ons. I wouldn’t anyways because I’m a mean, rich, Christian, Ultra-conservative. The party always has the Country club Republicans in power instead of true conservatives with conservative ideals. I am sadly not excited about politics right now. I’m pulling for Romney because he seems less liberal than McCain & Giuliani but he doesn’t truly excite me. I’m afraid to learn that Fred Thompson might not be omnipotent. I think we will just have to wait till the day when FrankJ runs for office. Frank will get the gun loving, he’s got a hot wife wing of the party.

  3. When Fred Thompson becomes the leader of the Republican Party there shall be no need for phone bitches to ask for money…instead the RNC will need to hire phone people to call and ask Republicans to please stop sending money because they have all they want. Fred Thompson shall issue one word, Contribute! And we shall comply!

  4. you guys are funny!
    if you cared as much about the American People and Universal Healthcare as you do about the people who are going to sweep the, i mean, us into power again you would realize that what’s yours is ours!
    Why fight it? Government means that it’s LEGAL for the majority to STEAL from the minority (that make over $40,000 per year)
    YOU are MY bitch!

  5. This is bad news, people. While everyone has a right to be angry over this amnesty horseshit, the last thing we need is Shrillary or Yomama dominating the airwaves with a huge cash advantage.
    The sooner this bill dies, the better, but sitting around waiting for a candidate who will shoot all illegals dead or who can quote chapter and verse why God hates fags is a recipe for defeat.
    And no, Fred Thompson is not the answer. Have you seen his wife? She looks like his daughter. America wants a mother figure as First Lady, not some young Hollywood piece of ass. He looks positively lecherous standing next to her.
    Judi Giuliani is a little too hot for her own good too, even though she’s cross-eyed…

  6. Ok…everyone back away from bunkerboy because Fred Thompson is getting ready to do some serious smiting…I’m thinking ground opening up and bunker disappearing kind of smiting…

  7. When Fred Thompson decided to mate it obviously fell upon the most attractive of the female of the species to become available to this totally awesome force! I’ll bet she is a great cook, and serves Mr. Fred Thompson well and never talks back to him!

  8. I officially quit the RNC Wed. I have been a registered Republican since I was 18, I am 42 now. I have worked campaigns and donated from the time I was 16. I am simply done with them, and have sent a letter to the RNC stating the same.
    The difference between the parties does not exist anymore. If you think the difference does exist then you must say that the GOP is worse than non-affective in their governing power. This Amnesty is just the latest in a long line of betrayals by the GOP to its conservative base.
    Big Governmental buildup – Homeland Security, Airport screeners.
    Big Pork and spending – Bridge to nowhere, multi-billion dollar drug benefits
    Anti Free Speech – McCaine-Feingold bill
    Inability to Yea or Nay Judicial Nominations – Gang of 14.
    Inability to Secure Borders
    The list is terrible and only continues to get worse. We could go on to the poor support of the war on terror and the piling on with the Dems about US torture. The inability to stand up and state that the Plamegate affair was a farce.
    The conservative has NO party to vote for at this time. The American people have no party to vote for at this time. We need to usher in new people or a new system.

  9. During the 2004 Presidential Election Cycle.
    I was doing telefundraising the the National Democratic Party. the potential donors were mostly interested in giving money to Howard Dean. for speaking out against the IWR. Dean also supported Universal Health Care and Civil Unions.

  10. And no, Fred Thompson is not the answer. Have you seen his wife? She looks like his daughter. America wants a mother figure as First Lady, not some young Hollywood piece of ass. He looks positively lecherous standing next to her.>And no, Fred Thompson is not the answer. Have you seen his wife? She looks like his daughter. America wants a mother figure as First Lady, not some young Hollywood piece of ass. He looks positively lecherous standing next to her.<
    Fred Thompson’s wife is 40. He can’t help it if she’s hot.

  11. I’m one of those alleged 40% who ain’t sending in any more $….from the input I get on the street the 40% is more like 60% who have bailed outa the contributions buss. But I get asked at least twice a day in the mail from just about every Republidummy fund raising scam there is…latest one last night was from Laura asking me to send in $100 to celebrate W’s birthday.
    Unless and until the Republidweebs learn that people such as us who have given them megadimes for the last 20 years ain’t gonna get screwed and fungooed by the beltway scammers anymore…we gotta get the facts, hear from fund raisers who give a damn about what we think and we need to have reason to believe somebody in the Republicruddy leadership, so called, has the balls and brains to get stuff done. We also need to have reason to think that the Republidopes will kick some demorat ass everyday for fun and profit.
    If we are gonna sign up for any more contributions we also need desperately to see some PARTY DISCIPLINE!! ie: we need to see Denny Hastert kicking Tom Folley’s skinny ass outa the party and Trent Lott (Ole Miss’s oldest cheer leader) telling Olympia Snow and Susan Collins et al to sign up for Republicanism or get lost.

  12. Absolutely right. No money to the RNC or my state GOP (Illinois). Former Governor George “CDLs for sale” Ryan destroyed any chance of any conservative getting elected here and GWB (except for the war on terror and his Supreme Court appointments) has been a disaster. Give money to individual candidates, sure. Fred will get as much as I can send him. The rest, including my congressman who votes for pork as much as anyone, will get nothing.
    I won’t give a nickle to the GOP until it calls for LESS government and getting rid of McCain-Feingold, HIPPA, Medicare Rx, the Dept. of Education and the UN. Until then, they shouldn’t waste my time.

  13. If you go to hot air Michelle Malkin has a great link to some fake Mexican Money with George Bush’s picture on it. It can be printed which I intend to do and will be sending it in to the RNC the next time they send me a request for funds…which is every month. I resigned from the RNC yesterday. They no longer represent me…sigh…

  14. Join Club for Growth and then you can donate to real conservatives. CfG does the screening and picks candidates before the primaries so we can be positioned for victory then and in the general elections. CfG keeps tabs on voting records and they have data available at their site,
    Join us now, and make a big difference.

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