Fred Thompson “On Board” With Edwards’ “Marshall Corps”

RICHMOND (AP) – In response to John Edwards’ plan to “create a ‘Marshall Corps’ modelled on the military Reserves, of up to 10,000 expert professionals who will help stabilize weak societies,” presidential candidate-in-waiting Fred Thompson released a statement saying that he’s “on board” with Edwards’ vision.
Excited by the possibilities of the program, former Senator Thompson said that he’d like see the concept taken to the next level as soon as possible. The full statement was posted at the politician-turned-actor-turning-politician’s blog, as follows:

‘Expanded’ Marshall Corp volunteers reach out to at-risk Muslims

“I am completely on board with John Edwards’ ‘Marshall Corps’ idea of sending bankers, political scientists, and civil engineers into unstable countries to prevent terrorism from taking root. However, I don’t think it goes far enough. It should be open to members of ALL civilian occupations, not just a few.”
“Here’s how I picture it – after joining, the courageous volunteers would shave their heads, spend a few months receiving combat & weapons training, then be deployed to unstable countries to reach out to those who are at risk of seduction by violent extremism. For maximum effectiveness, this reaching out should be done mostly with bullets, grenades, rockets, and other high-velocity/high-explosive projectiles.”
“I would call this expanded version of Edwards’ ‘Marshall Corps’ the ‘Massively Armed Response to Islamic Nutjob Extremists’ or ‘MARINE’ Corps.”
“If this program proved successful – which I have no doubt that it would – it could be augmented with:
    * An off-shore outreach program: Nautical Assaults from Vengeful Yankees
    * A complementary land-based group: Annihilating Radical Muslims – Yippee!
    * And even a ‘friendly skies’ organization: Attacking Islamic Radicals by Firing Ordnance and Repeatedly Causing Extermination”
“I can guarantee that if these programs are implemented as I’ve discussed, the Western ideals of peace, democracy, and civilization will be joyously embraced throughout the world.”
“And if they aren’t… well, then let’s just say there’s plenty more outreach where that came from.”


  1. Fred refuses to officially announce so he doesnt have to debate his opponents or particpate in the process he is quick to criticise.
    Fred refuses to field questions from reporters or even his own supporters.
    Karl Rove, who is the mastermind behind the amnesty bill is the one pulling strings and stiff arming people into showing support for Fred.
    Matlin/Carville is sending Thompson to Israel and London this month to pad his resume and make it appear Fred has foreign affairs experience, when in reality, he doesn’t.
    Fred was for abortion before he was against it depending on who is standing in fron of him at the time.
    Fred was for Mcain/Feingold before he was against it.
    Fred, after working hand in hand lobbying with Harold Fickes, a Bill Clinton insider, Fred voted NO to impeach Clinton.
    Fred is a globalist.
    Fred is a lobbyist.
    Fred is a dirty ol man with a fetish for young girls.
    Fred has cancer ,is in remission, and could die before the end of one term.
    This is just the begining and this is all we really know about the guy. I predict that more we know about Fred, the less people will support him. It is however, interesting to see SoCons twist themselves into a pretzel trying to sell this guy as the SoCon candidate (read: savior) when he is anything but that.

  2. Poor ol’ Jim is just upset that we aren’t bowing down before the mighty (loony) Ron Paul.
    How many internet polls has Fred Thompson won compared to Ron Paul? Fred Thompson’s comparative lack of weak-willed internet poll-spammers spells doom for his campaign. Doom, I tells ya. DOOOOOOM!!!!

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