He Likes the Blender to Be Quieter Than the Screams

I think he’s taunting me.
What do you think is important in a blender to Glenn Reynolds?
(hat tip to reader c)


  1. From the description: “Many chefs prefer a blender rather than a food processor for soups and creamy sauces–the blades of a good blender whirl more quickly than those of a food processor and will refine a thin liquid such as cream of tomato soup to an incomparably silky texture.”
    Mmmmmm. It comes in red. And it crushes ice easily. There’s only one left, so he probably bought a bunch of them for when he needs volume.
    I wonder if he prefers black or yellow for his abusive “lab” tests.

  2. I think that Glenn looks for versatility. He needs a blender that will handle anything from a little Chihuahua puppy to a much larger St. Bernard puppy. G Fresh is, of course, correct about the ability to filter out hairs, but here again is an example of the need for versatility. The blender needs to filter out both the short hairs of a dachshund and long, fluffy poodle hairs.
    He probably needs a fair amount of power, too, so that there are no annoying chunks of bone in his smoothies.

  3. It’s the Schnauzer Smoothies, I tells ya!
    Besides, he’s so rich from blogging that he actually can afford several blenders that he uses in succession. He first uses an industrial blender to grind up the puppy and then he strains that mixture and puts it in one of these professional chef blenders to get the right consistency.
    I hear that his house is being outfitted with a fountain which is actually a cascade of blenders. You put the live Schnauzer in the top of the fountain, it gets ground up and then drips down to the second level where it is frappeed and then down to the bottom level where it is liquified. Guests put their cups under the holes in the bottom level and drink it up.

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