Here’s An Idea…

Why don’t we deport failed politicians?
I think those who hold special power should face special punishment, and thus the Senators behind the amnesty bill should be deported to Mexico and their pictures handed out to all border agents with the instruction that these people are never to be let back into America under any circumstances.
This won’t be an easy policy to implement, though, as it will take either a Constitutional amendment or a large, angry mob.


  1. Why should we deport politicians who are actually doing their jobs? People who are trying to make laws that are necessary to a sustainable legal future for our country?
    You and I both know that this bill was not amnesty, but was a complex bill that would have required a good amount of effort from illegal immigrants, a good amount of new plans/money for enforcement and a possibility of working toward finally fixing this problem.

  2. This was not an amnesty bill! This was a declaration of surrender! I actually watched some hispanic clown congressman (Luis Gutierrez, D-IL) on MTP Sunday arguing with Pat Robertson about how all the baby boomers would be retiring and we needed to replace those workers. Replace them with Mexicans! He’d never admit it, but in his mind, this was a staged takeover of the United States of America via silent invasion.
    I think we need the angry mobs. I’ll go get my pitchfork. Who’s with me?

  3. I trying to, disparately, treat “David” as someone that’s being sarcastic…but the more times I read his post, the more I have the “gut-retching” feeling that he was being totally serious.
    Shouldn’t people that are ’10’ (that could be age-related, or IQ-related…you get to choose), need their parent’s or guardian’s permission before posting?
    Just thinking out loud here…maybe we should form an angry mob to force the issue?

  4. Hee! Good one, David! (Yes, it’s parody…I’ve read a bit from his site)
    Unfortunately, there are lunatics out there who actually believe this, though. So many people in need of meds, so few meds to go around…

  5. David,
    The bill was a joke.
    It gave away citizenship-something everyone else had to learn English and take a test for.
    It gave access to Social Security after a mere three years, where born citizens require ten for eligibility.
    It did not REQUIRE repayments for any bills either social or medical that they have already run up and we have paid for.
    The “Back Taxes” provision was nullified later in the bill, so that anyone claiming “hardship” would have them forgiven.
    It did nothing to continue building the fence so that we could actually limit future immigration.
    Lastly, the bill was written by the Swimmer, just as the last two were, when he PROMISED they would limit future illegal immigration. If he said the sky was blue, I would have to check for myself, ask Mary Jo Kopechne.
    I am in favor of large mobs. Mobs armed with torches and guns to burn them out.

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