I Was Thinking…

In America, we love to root for the underdog, but America is so awesome that we haven’t been the underdog at anything in like a hundred years.
I don’t think foreigners appreciate exactly how hard it is to be us.


  1. “In America, we love to root for the underdog, but America is so awesome that we haven’t been the underdog at anything in like a hundred years.”
    You’re certainly not underdogs for the “Infant death rate in the 1st world” award and “Homicide rate in the 1st world” award.
    Come on, give us a chance.

  2. We’re also first in the world in fatasses. Which translates to a rich as country that even the poorest are huge hogbeasts. Don’t hate on us because your 3rd world ass can’t afford a T-Bone whenever you damned well feel like it.
    Personally, I wish your mother had been number 1 in infant deaths. Then we’d have been spared your lame, trollish commentary. Douche.

  3. In lieu of the comment made by Emiliano, I think our infant mortality rate is so high because doctors in this country actually try to save severely dis-formed and prematurely born infants, and then count those deaths, which I understand other countries do not.

    If you want to feel like an underdog, just watch soccer…..but then you have to watch soccer, so learn to live with the feeling of superiority that comes with being an American.

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