IMAO Condensed: Conspiracy Theories


  1. Oh yeah?!?
    Well, it’s The Man and his Bushtardian Lackeys who keep The People ignorant, dude!
    Like, Cindy Sheehan was SO gonna blow the lid off of the Tri Lateralist Commando Weather Controller bases up on the Moon and Mars which Bush uses to send tornados and hurricanes and all kinds of bad weather to the Blue States.
    And, like, don’t even TRY to tell me that Darth Cheney’s TriLateralist Commandos WEREN’T down in New Orleans blowing up the levees in the African American neighborhoods, maaaaan!
    Cheney was, like, down in a mobile CP calling the shots for that black op.
    My man Sparky had pics of Cheney sporting the commando marpat camo on his cel phone…until those Tri Lats sent a pulse and deleted them.
    But like, man, it’s like a BIG cover-up, dude.

  2. Never underestimate the deductive powers of a mass of ignorant people who haven’t bathed in six months. Who knows what effect such a mass of stupidity and stench in such a small area can have on the space-time continuum?

  3. If they can’t comprehend soap, what do you expect?
    It isn’t that one of them might know something useful, it is the fact that none of them is capable of comprehending either the facts or, Occam’s Razor.

  4. If you check the help wanted section of any newspaper you will come across ads from time to time for minimum wage protesting jobs. These piles of festering filth couldn’t care less about the things they protest, they just get housed, fed, stoned and paid at the pig trough of George Sorros.

  5. “Occams razor”??
    Dude, shaving’s for uptight Bushtard fools, man!
    I don’t care if it’s schick or gillette!
    I bet that old Occam dude had some righteous chin whiskers too!

  6. Yo Bunkerboy, dontcha mean to pimp that anti-Zionist rage gloss, dude?
    Like, this bud of mine, Seth, is like a jew, and he’s cool and all, and doesn’t boge his doobage, so you can’t be like thinking of a dude like him man…
    Your mell-harsh must be bustin on them zionist-type dudes, right?

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