IMAO Now an Important Research Tool for Pundits

You may notice some familiar material in Jonah Goldberg’s syndicated column about Fred Thompson. I hope more columnist realize what an important research tool IMAO is. Every bit of info on this site goes through a rigorous verification process where we ask ourselves these questions before any factoid appears on IMAO:
* Does this information look true?
* Do we care if it looks true?
* Do we care enough to edit Wikipedia to make it true?
So trust IMAO; it’s more work for you if you don’t.


  1. just sent Jonah this in an email :
    Do remember, that the reason he became an actor is that no one could be found that could convincingly portray him in a film. Seems his “character” is who he really is…
    also, i feel the need to reply to this line : “as if Thompson were designed by GOP-friendly alien scientists as some sort of Super Candidate. ”
    tomorrow’s daily fred thompson update should read : Fred Thompson was not invented by aliens. Aliens were invented by Fred Thompson.

  2. IIRC, you were trying to get Goldberg’s job a few years ago (several decades internet time).
    Looks like you are in fact writing for NRO, but Jona’ be havin you l00tz.
    Ninja Monkeys, Attack!

  3. Wait, I’m on vacation so I’m not up to speed but even I remember that journalist are not interested in the “facts”. They just make things up as they go along or spin the actual event so hard they threaten to go into orbit.
    Same holds true for Demoncrats and Liberals. “Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.” Therefore we can do Fred a world of good here at the IMAO Ranch. It’s our turn to spin.
    Interestingly enough one doesn’t have to spin hard with Fred. His just being on the planet causes it to spin.

  4. How cool is that! You’re getting more and more famous!
    Democrats’ worst nightmare: Thompson/Lieberman in ’08!
    Yup, Joe’s getting so tired of the Kos & Soros influence on his once great party, he’s ready to jump the ship.
    There’s a ticket that could not be beat!

  5. So Frankj, does this mean that you’ve finally almost taken Jonah’s job?
    I mean, you’re already writing his columns for him. Maybe they should cut out the middleman and just hire you.

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